Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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lol I have always considered cattle to be the dumbest of all farm animals. This does nothing to disabuse me of that idea!
Cows may not be the brightest, but I had one Jersey outsmart me, plain and simple. And what she did took some advance planning. If you want me to tell you about it I will, but it's a little long.
We have 2 large dogs who have eaten a raw meaty bone (RMB) diet their whole lives thus far (ages 3 and 5). The dogs are 85lb and 115lb. They mostly eat raw whole chickens (half a chicken each per day for the larger dog, a bit less for the smaller one) with beef and organ meats on occasion, eggs, etc. They are incredibly healthy, we've never had to clean their teeth (sparkling white, the vet always jokes that it looks like their teeth have been whitened), odorless breath, shiny coats and no doggie smell, healthy weights and clean bill of health at every vet visit. Our vet was VERY skeptical when we decided on an RMB diet, but over the years she's seen the results with her own eyes and is now very supportive of it.

We lost 2 dogs about 5 years ago, within 9 months of each other, one to a ruptured spleen (likely from a tumor) and the other from a perforated stomach. They were ages 7 and 5 - far too young for such illnesses. They lived on commercial dog food and I've always believed that the food is what made them sick.

We will never go back - prey model only for our dogs. And they've never once associated our live chickens with the raw chicken they eat every day! Some dogs are just prey driven and will kill chickens, regardless of diet, and some won't.

The key to feeding a raw meaty bone diet is that the meal has to be large - as big as the dog's whole head so that they're forced to really bite, rip and chew through the meat and bones, breaking it down to appropriate sized bites. Feeding a large dog a drumstick could be a choking hazard, but feeding her a whole or half chicken is not.

This is the way I think about it - if my dog was to get lost in the woods and had to survive, what would he eat? If he was standing in an area full of vegetation and wild berries and a family of bunnies hopped by, would my dog eat the plants or would he take down those bunnies? I believe he would hunt for 100% of his diet and only eat meat and bones. I do not believe he would eat plant matter of any kind. I believe that this is the best and most natural diet for canines.
Had a friend ask me once why there aren't holes in chicken skin. Having no idea what she was talking about, I asked her to further explain her question. She asked me how we close the skin on chicken breasts where the holes are. So I just looked at her, still puzzled. She rolls her eyes like I'm an idiot and says, "Well, doesn't it leave holes when you cut the nipples off?"
Had a friend ask me once why there aren't holes in chicken skin. Having no idea what she was talking about, I asked her to further explain her question. She asked me how we close the skin on chicken breasts where the holes are. So I just looked at her, still puzzled. She rolls her eyes like I'm an idiot and says, "Well, doesn't it leave holes when you cut the nipples off?"
ive tried and tried to milk my hens, but I cant find the nipples. I do think hen milk would be very marketable, I wonder why no one has bred them for milk production.
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