Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I hear that a lot - how can you raise them from chicks and then eat them? Well, same way the big producers do - except cleaner, happier, full of fresh air and sunshine, healthier and on a ridiculously smaller scale.
I didn't want to use a "poison" because my dog and the barn cat go in there and the effects of eating fake sugar shouldn't be as great for the animals as eating ant bait...

It depends on which artificial sweetener. Xylitol is in many products but can be deadly to dogs. Sorbitol has a laxative effect on both dogs and cats but more so in cats. If there are any other health issues in the pet it may exacerbate symptoms.
I participate in fairs and I hear A LOT of them. One lady called meat turkeys meat eagles. One guy said that once a roo has been with a hen once the eggs are forever fertile. One person said that all the bantams were hens, and the standards are roos. Oh, one that I hear all the time is that my bantams are babys.
I've been reading through this thread and cracking up.

I told my 9-year-old niece the other day that I was getting some chickens.

HER: Yes! I really want to look for the eggs and then eat them!

ME: Umm, actually, I won't be getting any eggs from these chickens. I'm going to eat them. (I'm getting Cornish Cross)

HER: (Wrinkles her face up) Eww, you're gonna eat a real chicken?

ME: You eat chicken, don't you?

HER: Yeah. But it's from the store. It's not a real chicken.

ME: The chicken at the store is real chicken.

HER: Well, I don't care because I don't eat chicken anyway.

ME: Since when?

HER: Since now.

I'm still waiting to get a call from her mom about how I scarred her daughter for life.
My BF is diabetic and generally he gets unsweetened tea with his meals when we eat out. However, technically, a diabetic should not be eating the burger bun or the large fry in the above example, not to say that my bf doesn't, but he shouldn't. Both of those are quickly turned into suger as they get digested and will cause sugar spikes.

Interesting fact, your body reacts the same way to fake sugar as it does to real sugar, it can actually cause you to have LOW blood sugar (does it to me) because your body senses "sugar" and pumps in extra insulin to counteract it. I only drink sugary things or things that have flavor on their own without fake sweeteners. Another interesting fact, at least one of the mainstream commercial sweeteners was originally developed as a insecticide and then they found out it was sweet and didn't cause any immediate health effects (cancer a few years down the line didn't bother them apparently), I actually tried it out, I had a bunch of ants getting in the insulation in the fridge in the barn and messing stuff up, so I got a few packets of fake sweetener from work (break room has it in a machine for free) and poured it on the line of ants as they ran back and forth, 1st day or 2 they were still happily carting the stuff back to the nest, but the numbers started going down dramatically after that. I didn't want to use a "poison" because my dog and the barn cat go in there and the effects of eating fake sugar shouldn't be as great for the animals as eating ant bait...
Very interesting article in NY Times today:


Related article a few months back:


Fried Chicken is OK. Biscuit with it not so much.
Lol, no one including the DR's can figure out what to do with my bf's blood sugar levels. I'm not sure what kind of sweetner it was, it's in a machine and it has 3 buttons, sugar, sweetner, and creamer, I'm betting it's the stuff in the yellow packet, that's the standard these days for what people use...

Zach can go to sleep with his sugar in the 90's, wake up with it 250 or higher, just got a job where he was on his feet walking all day and had to quit because his sugar (with all meds as prescribed by Dr plus extra insulin) spiked to over 350 and his vision whited out and he started throwing up, after the 2nd time of that he had to quit his job to try not to literally kill himself at work... Now he's unemployed and trying to find another job but scared to get one with any sort of physical activity.
Going to have to start worrying about getting that myself. My dad and his four brothers are all type 2. Of course, I do try to eat healthier than them. I was up north at the family cabin, and I'm the only one who brought healthy stuff like apples, banana's, kiwi's, and greens. Them, pretzels, donuts, cookies, biscuits and other stuff. And they do have what they call the Human Bait Pile, a big bowl of candy out on the middle of the coffee table.
I am new to the whole chicken thing.. my family and friends told me that I was going to bring the neighborhood down because of the chickens! ... People are just stupid!
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