Dumbing down of America

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It may have started out that way...but many people have made some very ugly, mean comments on this thread.
Just my opinion, as usual..
Gr8 U gotta B kiddin me.

Ok I dont really type like that. You wont believe how long it took me to figure out the texting lingo. I think it is ok on a cell phone because some cell phones only let you use so many spaces. Things have to be shorter. So even posting to facebook with a cell could result in posts like that. But when using a computer, one should be able to type it all out. Or make things make more sence. Have you seen some of the craigslist ads lately. Some I cant even read.

I know I misspell stuff. But mostly its because Im not a great typer. My brain thinks faster than my hands can type it. So some letters are left out or are wrong.

I wish texting and cell phones would be banned. It would make kids learn again. Oh and video games. Dont get me started on those. My kids have the worst attitude when they play on them to much. I want to sell the darn machines. grrrr.

Edited for misspelling a word. More like a typing mistake.. LOL
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I wish the media would stop blamming (sp?) video games for everything that's wrong with the youth of today. It's not the games, it's pure laziness on the kid's part. I'm a huge geek about games and anime, and I get As and Bs.
My son (13) is so bad for this... "mom I have no time for homework I am playing (--------insert game here) and the best one yet... "I cant have a social life and good grades"
I generally don't comment on people's online use of any language, because I don't know the real reason why they may have misused the language. If it is hard for me to read I don't read it, I don't comment, and I just leave it alone.

The people that are more concerned about pointing out the quality of online posts as opposed to the content of the post have earned an online nickname that I don't feel comfortable posting here. Some of you may know it and may be guilty of it.
There are two ways to tell someone about their language mistake, a nice way and a mean way. You can nicely point out an improper spelling and suggest a correction, or you can point it out, make a rude comment on it and behave all high and mighty.
Either way, in a format that is purely text based, it is difficult to attain the correct attitude of a post and whether or not someone is being helpful or mean. You can read anything in a happy, sad, mean or angry way in your head, but you can't really know if that was the intended way for the message to be interpreted.
Forgot to quote "schellie69" duh!

Of course you are right and I have to say I may be the harshest of all posters. However not everything said applies to me so I don't take insult and you shouldn't either. It's often said "if the shoe fits". This shoe (about poor english) doesn't fit everyone. So please don't be hurt by the comments.

Sometimes I forget to be respectful. Thanks for the wake up call. If I forget again please post back "Rancher your doing it again". I'll get the message.


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I agree and Spelling is one of my Pet Peeves! One of my FB friends is someone who went to my High School. I noticed a post this guy wrote and I was appalled! I had to read it twice before it made sense to me.

BTW, this guy graduated in 1977.....

Of course on the other side, Math was always my downfall, my parents always said "you just need to apply yourself" years after graduating I found out I am a little dyslexic. I have to be very careful with my checkbook to make sure I do not reverse numbers.
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