Dutch Hookbill Hatch!

We have two ducklings! :wee


The two that I have been assisting are still hanging in there, absorbing, and getting ready to come out.

Here is the oddly positioned one. I know it doesn't look too weird, but he's twisted up in there, and I had to come down the side of the egg to find him, as you can see:


Unfortunately I did lose one. One of the ones that I did a safety hole for since it hadn't externally pipped. I really can't say why it died.
Congratulations! :thumbsup:celebrate:wee🎉🎊🥳
That is so awesome! These ducklings could not be in better hands than yours.
You are the Hatchi Wan Kenobi!

And the hatching problems are the reason why Metzer Farms gave up on the Dutch Hookbill. I have an e-mail from John Metzer in which he says that they had a hatch rate under 50% due to mal-positioning of the ducklings. And in those large commercial hatchers there is no Pyxis to assist. You hatch or you die…
We have lots of ducklings this morning! The brooder has ended up being shared with some brahma chicks that I didn't think were hatching for another few days, thanks to Hatch Keeper being weird, but ah well. I'll get them separated soon, I don't like chicks in with ducks when brooding, too wet for them.

But! Eleven are out, all on their own.

The weird duckling did die :( Never finished absorbing everything, and passed away. The other malpo is still working on absorbing. Two more eggs are still taking their time. I've slightly opened up the shells to check on them. One is one that never externally pipped, and I don't think it'll make it out on its own, but it seems like it's nearly ready to come out now.

The other one is just a slowpoke and has lots of absorbing left to do.


Better pictures to come!
One is one that never externally pipped, and I don't think it'll make it out on its own, but it seems like it's nearly ready to come out now.

And it's out, haha. It definitely did need me to open it up, because it's pushed itself right out already.

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