Early bird gets the worm...

Buff, let me begin by saying I LOVE YOU!!!! Your intelligence is only surpassed by
your whit and brilliant personality(much like TheOldNewChick).

They want to put me up for four days at a super nice hotel (at least by the web site),
in Boston (a fun town), and pay me for it??? Wow. Thank You God!!!!!!!!

If the hotel doesn't have wireless I always have my AT&T Aircard. I'll be checking in at
11PM after closing down the hotel bar.
PC -- yeah, about that aircard of yours. What am I supposed to do without you for (what, 4 days?)?! It's simply not possible.

Buff -- I agree with the early worm thing. I was thinking something along those lines when I posted that, but it was way too early to remember exactly how it went.

Justin -- neener neener! The only reason I had to get up was extra curricular stuff...co-op. I'm just now starting school in a minute, but it sucks because I'm a few days behind! ARGH!

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