Early lockdown okay? Indian runner ducks day 24


Sep 25, 2018
Ontario, Canada
t’s day 24 today... I put them on lock down already... is that alright? Or is that too soon? Does 24h earlier for lock down affect anything?! I candled the eggs this morning and I saw a distinct heartbeat inside only one. The rest looked dark with a very well air sac formed but I didn’t really see any veins nor movement. Now I’m worried. When I candled them the eggs looked dark as in opaque with a very distinct line of where the air sac is at. I candled them fast so that I wouldn’t cool them too much and removed the egg turner as well. I’m just in the process of adjusting the humidity to reach between 60-70%. I just want to make sure that by putting them on lockdown now it won’t hurt them or injure them? What are everybodys recommendations for an early lock down for Indian runner ducks!!! I received the duck eggs Sunday September 23rd and put them in incubator at 12pm afternoon that same day. Which by doing the math leaves me to be on day 24 today. Is this okay? Has anyone else done an early lock down? Please help me!!!!
Has anyone else done an early lock down? Please help me!!!!
Please note that I have ONLY hatched chicken eggs...

Which aren't SUPPOSED to go into lock down until day 18... however it has been shown that you can do so SAFELY as early as day 14.

And I have safely gone into lock down 1-2 days late. :smack

ONLY a 24 hour difference (stated by you) would NOT make ANY difference in MY experience.

Happy hatching! :fl:jumpy:jumpy
Sorry I didn't see this earlier, but I would've told you not to stress. You won't see anything in the last few days because the ducklings will fill up the whole egg, which is most likely why you saw dark. Attached are pictures of my duck eggs at Day 21, where you can't see anything but the airsac.

I'm guessing they hatched by now... how did it go?


  • Day 21.jpg
    Day 21.jpg
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Sorry I didn't see this earlier, but I would've told you not to stress. You won't see anything in the last few days because the ducklings will fill up the whole egg, which is most likely why you saw dark. Attached are pictures of my duck eggs at Day 21, where you can't see anything but the airsac.

I'm guessing they hatched by now... how did it go?
Hi there, thanks for getting in touch! I know I shouldn’t have stressed too much but I’m a newbie so it was sort of an instinct to panic! Only one duckling has hatched!! He’s so beautiful! He hatched last night at 10pm and am wondering if I can move him into brooder today after 12h or so? He seems to be almost dry but he seems very hungry and is picking at the cloth I have in there for extra humidity. He’s also being disruptive to the other eggs I have in there, two of them which have pipped since yesterday but this little guy is a torpedo and is moving around in there and the eggs are scattering all over cause of the little guy. What should I do?
Hi there, thanks for getting in touch! I know I shouldn’t have stressed too much but I’m a newbie so it was sort of an instinct to panic! Only one duckling has hatched!! He’s so beautiful! He hatched last night at 10pm and am wondering if I can move him into brooder today after 12h or so? He seems to be almost dry but he seems very hungry and is picking at the cloth I have in there for extra humidity. He’s also being disruptive to the other eggs I have in there, two of them which have pipped since yesterday but this little guy is a torpedo and is moving around in there and the eggs are scattering all over cause of the little guy. What should I do?

Totally understand, I was a newbie too (planning to hatch for a second time this coming spring) but I learned a lot :D You can move him into the brooder like chickens really said... how many eggs do you have? Have all of them pipped? Make sure to attach pictures of the little duckling!

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