East of the Mississippi All-In Swap

Mine Orpingtons please.
6+ Call duck eggs
8+ EE, OE, Wheaten Ameraucana eggs (hen's choice)

Man I missed them. Been looking and watching for those Araucana eggs. Been wanting them for years now and always seem to miss them by just minutes.
Wait I'm confused i thought that they only got the orp eggs

Correct, clousert chose the orp eggs that were offered but araucana were also offered as another choice in that offer (which draye is saying they would have chosen if they saw the offer in time). Only 1 offer is up at a time, it goes like a chain. So ray-n-debi's offer is now claimed and over and the only current offer is clouserts.
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just an fyi if you want the eggs some one offered but didnt claimed and offer is over it wouldnt hurt to pm said person and make a side deal for them...
Updated offer

8+ Call duck eggs (available after 8/5)
8+ Serama eggs
8+ EE, OE, Wheaten Ameraucana eggs (hen's choice)
6+ Duccle eggs (mixed colored flock- mille, blue mille, golden neck, porcelain)
6+ Silver Penciled Wyandotte Bantam eggs (available after 8/5)

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