Easter Egger, Ameraucana and REAL RIR! PICS

Yes, it seems that way. I absolutely ADORE my Americaunas and EEs. I've even got a little black crossbeak Ameraucana that's just a sweetheart! She knows her name (I just call her CB - was afraid to name her, in case she didn't make it), and she laid me 3 eggs last week! Her first 3 (I think she must be 10 months old). I never thought she'd lay; just kept her because she's a sweetheart! My Ameraucanas and EEs are much friendlier than any of my others. Gotta love THAT!
What is an SQ Rhode Island Red?

I just purchased a RIR from a breeder and she looks a lot like her. I would like to get a few more but I will have to wait until spring for eggs I believe.

Your birds are beautiful! I love the blue Ameracauna also.
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You are right about few people raising true Ameraucanas. It took me three or four months for find several nice black Ameraucanas from a breeder several hours from me. I was also very luck to get a blue rooster from the same person. I love my Ameraucanas. In a few weeks, my son is going to show one of the roosters and one hen in a show. I can't wait to see how they do. I am new to Ameraucanas but I know I will always have them as long as I have chickens.

I'm coming to Georgia to steal Nora!
We crossed an Ameraucana rooster with some black austrolop hens. The product was a brown egg. The first set of 2 where black. A month later we hatched 2 more and they were a blue slate color. The blues chicks are a month old now and one has his feathers while the other has feathers on the wings and fuzz everywhere else. Is there a problem with the fuzzy chick?

Dad and Moms.
The kids

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Could be the fuzzy chick is a cockerel. Some breeds feather out much more slowly in the males, like my Blue Orpingtons. Could be it's just slow. Your rooster is gorgeous! He's not an Araucana, though.
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We bought him and four females as Ameraucana and they lay green and light brown eggs. He was supposed to be a female, but I guess the sorter was wrong. So I guess I miss spoke when I said Araucana (I'll edit the previous msg to reflect such). Of the four females, only 2 lay green eggs, the other light brown. The other 2 chicks in the previous photo came from green eggs and their mothers were Ameraucana (from the previously mentioned purchase).

And yes, there was a bump in the cloaca so it is probably a he. So I guess there not much for us to worry about, but for him, we do not need another male. Blue or not blue.

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OK I NEED SOME TRUE RIR !!!! they are a totally different then the hatchery birds WOW ! the blue ameraucana is beautiful also I WILL HAVE SOME BLUE BIRDS SOON I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!

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