Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

They all look to have pullet color patterns. I have all the same color birds as yours and they are all pullets.

They are all girls regardless of comb size (though Izzy is a little big for 11 weeks!) Boys simply can not be coloured like that. :) Beautiful birds!

Yes, she is a big girl! Now, I just need her and the others to catch up to the 16 and 17 week old RIRs, BOs and BRs. They jump them every time I try to let them be together. The little girls are in their own "Mini-cooper" with a dog kennel for a run...all inside of the big run.
Yes, she is a big girl! Now, I just need her and the others to catch up to the 16 and 17 week old RIRs, BOs and BRs. They jump them every time I try to let them be together. The little girls are in their own "Mini-cooper" with a dog kennel for a run...all inside of the big run.
I have my 4-6 week olds with my adults free ranging together. My 4-5 week olds have 13 week old RIRs who sleep in the same pen. I think they should be fine with birds that close in age!
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Can you tell what my 4 month old ameracauna chickens are? I have head shot to if that will help! I have a feeling I have a lot of roo's.....




Hello!! I've got a toughie on my hands. Any time that I ask, I get about 50/50 on the sex of my EE. Lately I am almost certain I have a roo on my hands, ONLY by the tail feathers. The behavior is definitely not roo-ish, at 15 weeks hardly any comb, no crowing. She does have the "red" patches, but the older she gets the more that it spreads. It is NOT just on the shoulders, it is spread through the whole body (hard to see on the pics). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much in advance!!



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I'm not good at sexing but I think it looks like a roo...sorry.
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We have a hen (We are positive lol) that has some curled tail feathers.. She is a Black Sex link pullet.

I don't see any pointy saddle feathers, I can't tell with the hackle feathers because of the pattern.
We have a hen (We are positive lol) that has some curled tail feathers.. She is a Black Sex link pullet. 

I don't see any pointy saddle feathers, I can't tell with the hackle feathers because of the pattern.
No pointy saddle feathers coming in yet...hackle feathers appear pointed but in fact are rounded when you separate them out individually.

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