Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Yay because my EE looks like hensforthehudds chicken. Same body shape and triangular feathers at the neck/chest area accept she is silver. I can't post a picture because I'm on a phone and my pictures won't upload.
I have just gotten my first group of chicks... the Tack store tells me they are hens. I was reading this thread and beginning to wonder. The two brown-striped ones are Americuanas/Easter Eggers and the two black grey are Barred Plymouth Rock. Can anyone tell at this early stage if indeed these are hens?

I have just gotten my first group of chicks... the Tack store tells me they are hens. I was reading this thread and beginning to wonder. The two brown-striped ones are Americuanas/Easter Eggers and the two black grey are Barred Plymouth Rock. Can anyone tell at this early stage if indeed these are hens?
Far too little to know for sure. Anyone who tells you otherwise is spouting wives tales and maybe gets lucky once in a while. Once they start feathering up a bit and the combs start to change, we will be able to tell with much better accuracy! For now, just enjoy the babies!! Congrats and welcome!
Agreed. Female. Congrats! She's cool looking!
Really...??!? Please teach me...how can you tell?
Originally Posted by bygrace53
"I have just gotten my first group of chicks... the Tack store tells me they are hens. I was reading this thread and beginning to wonder. The two brown-striped ones are Americuanas/Easter Eggers and the two black grey are Barred Plymouth Rock. Can anyone tell at this early stage if indeed these are hens?"


I agree they are a little too young to tell, but they sure are fuzzy and cute!
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