Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Chicken fever, that whitish bird looks like a roo to me. That comb is awful red for an 11 week old pullet...plus it can take a long time for the red to come in on the wings, and in some cases it doesn't come in at all. I had an EE rooster last year that stayed solid blue until he turned four months old, then he got silvering in his hackles and a single reddish brown spot on his wings. And when I say a spot, I mean it was the size of a quarter lol, it was barely there.
I LOVE this thread! My eyes are crossing tho with all the beautiful pictures and information on EE chickens. I had started one similar and then didn't get on here for awhile. Our feed store gets in really nice chicks, very rarely will roo's be sold, and they had an amazing looking crop of EE chicks, but I already had so many!

These are the two I kept to keep the numbers down. Peachy and Prissy. Everyone has such beautiful birds!

How do you get the coloring of the top bird in an EE?? What kind of cross do you need for that feathering? It reminds me kind of Red Stars...
Question: I noticed one of my EE's earlobes are a light mint green. Does that mean her eggs will be on the greenish side? I know that white earlobes = white eggs and red earlobes = brown eggs. So what does the mint green earlobes mean?
Any guesses about the gender of my 2 EEs now that they are almost 6 weeks old? (I know, I know...too early to tell, right?)

I just got lucky with my buff and white EE. Some of her feathers in back have a bluish tint. She is a sweetheart since I had to confine her in the temporary m a s h unit for limping. Before that she was real skittish and I thought for sure she would die of a heart attack from being picked up and cared for in her hospital unit. But she healed in 4 days, and calmed down a lot! She was the only EE chick (marked Auracana) that was a solid pale yellow.
Alright, I've been putting this off for as long as I could, trying to wait until my feathered kids were big enough to post here. My chickens in question are two chickens we purchased as easter eggers from a local feed store who are ten weeks old; younger than our silkies but older than our other three EE's. One I'm sure is an EE, the other I have no clue but is likely just a weird EE, she/he kinda has a little cheek fluff starting and the tail is hung so low and so curved over her/his rump I don't know where to start, you'll see in a minute. But the question here is hens or roos!

Isis, the one I know is an EE

The glam photo to show body color

The glorious beard (just because I love it so much, it's the poofiest beard out of any of the EE's I've had!)

Better view of her color and comb

Boo, the giant sibling. (Literally, she/he's the largest of the bunch)

Body coloring and that weird tail

Mug shot (Isis at the bottom, Sophie in the bottom corner and angel in the back)

Now Boo has never really had much of a tail as a chick, and had booty feathers before her tail came in, small and exceptionally curved. Boo is also built like a football. I haven't really seen this on an EE yet, so I'm curious if she might be something else, or if she's just weird. Isis on the other hand grew pretty fast and evenly, and while feisty as a chick is now one of the middle to lower ranking chickens, with Boo being the roughest now. Neither of them really have any spur growth at all and only just this week they started pinking up in the face; which I can't tell if it's from hormones or from the 100 degree temps with 85% humidity we've been having. I have my fingers crossed for girls!! I already have a dapper little silkie roo in the coop.

Edit: Also I thought I should say, I've been obsessively checking for shiny saddle feathers since they started feathering out, and neither of them has any coming in, and all their neck feathers are blunt, not pointed.
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