Eastern Tennessee Thread

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thats funny! I can get them all day long for 1.50. more power to him if he can find someone to buy them at that price..
I know!! I can't sale roosters for more than $3-5 at the time they start crowing or fully grown! I don't know what possess this guy to sale baby rooster chicks at $3 but it just kills me that someone out there will pay it, when they don't cost that much at a hatchery for PULLETS!!!!!!!!!

Ok.. now he has barred rock and rir chicks that are 'pullets' at $6 a piece!!!! I sale my LAYING hens between $8-12, it sounds like this guy ordered a bunch of chicks and is now flipping them to make a profit!

chicken show! when and where? ohh! this could be fun....
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Quote: Wouldn't you lose money selling laying hens at $8-12 a piece? I'm still new enough to poultry that I still have no idea how anyone makes money at this whole poultry keeping hobby besides large scale operations or breeders of rare/sq birds.

I don't even want to start calculating how much my original 7 birds have cost me a piece...
grawg, it's not about the money. It's just rediculous to know that some people starting out have no clue that what this guy is doing is wrong, he's ripping them off. I've always felt the hatcheries themselves over price chicks because they're usually of some questionable quality. I've been known to throw money into roosters for WEEKS and to just give them away! Which is why, when I see someone advertising roosters for $10 or more just makes me wonder... I can understand if maybe they're hard to find, but geez most aren't.
If this guy is who I think he is, he had a CL add couple years ago when I needed hay saying $2.50 a bale and I get out there an he informs me that it's an old ad and he wants $3 a bale, after so many bales it adds up! I ended up spending more in gas and not getting as many bales as I needed... I try to make it that I'm being reimbursed for my time and effort I put into my chickens, yes $8-12 is cheap but I feel that is fair for this area. I won't pay more than $10 for a laying hen myself (unless it's one I've been looking for, but $12 is the highest I go) and no more than $5 for a rooster. I've stuck to that amount and I try to price mine according to how much I want to pay. I'll never pay more than $2 a chick for straight run from someone local. I will pay if I can determine sex at the age of chick up to $5 (only if it is a hard to find breed) usually won't go over $3.
Oh I'm not in this to make money. And I apologize if you took my post as offensive or "baiting", that was not my intent.

Personally, I got in to poultry for a purely romantic concept of an agrarian lifestyle, where producing one's food is better for the recipient and for the producers (be those plants or animals). I have always enjoyed being outdoors and these activities facilitate this desire nicely. If I never make a penny from all this gardening and animal husbandry, I'm quite alright with that.

That being said, I also realize there are those that attempt to make something of a living off raising poultry and growing food. I don't see anything wrong with that, assuming they are honest about their product and upfront in their dealings. The decision to purchase the end product is always with the consumer, and it's up to them to determine if the asking price is fair.

Anyhow, this is just my opinion and it's worth about as much as it cost me to write it here.
I was never offended!
I was just expressing my views of people who think that making others pay more than what they could acctually get it for was just senseless. It's one of my pet peeves I guess... I was never upset when I wrote my post above, and did not mean to sound like I was attacking you in any way. I sale mine after they start laying sometimes so I can get new ones, but after spending so much money on chicks... sometimes it's just easier to build another coop to stick them in
I don't make money either, I just try to make it so that I'm not always broke! The only problem I see with him pricing them like that (heres my economics class biting me in the butt!) is if he can get that much out of them, he'll not drop his prices... and if others notice he's making that much on chicks, they'll start raising prices. I pay enough for feed, I don't want the price of chickens to go up.

Oh I'm not in this to make money. And I apologize if you took my post as offensive or "baiting", that was not my intent.

Personally, I got in to poultry for a purely romantic concept of an agrarian lifestyle, where producing one's food is better for the recipient and for the producers (be those plants or animals). I have always enjoyed being outdoors and these activities facilitate this desire nicely. If I never make a penny from all this gardening and animal husbandry, I'm quite alright with that.

That being said, I also realize there are those that attempt to make something of a living off raising poultry and growing food. I don't see anything wrong with that, assuming they are honest about their product and upfront in their dealings. The decision to purchase the end product is always with the consumer, and it's up to them to determine if the asking price is fair.

Anyhow, this is just my opinion and it's worth about as much as it cost me to write it here.
there is no reason to on average spend five to ten bucks, maybe fifteen if really want. or zero to five, on a cock, except maybe for silkies, etc like that. otherwise their either selling for cock fighting/baiting, or ethnic quizine. or possably just nuts for putting so much money into a garbage eating bird, feeding fancy chemical foods, and wanting to make a profit after that. as a lot of people i knew had bought all the fancy stuff, and kept birds locked up, and mine just got to forage and this and that and scrapes, and they did much better, and each hen layed every day, layer hens and others (except for one OEGB rescue, and one BCKM rescue).

Figured I'd share my BLRW hen, gonna start incubating eggs to check for fertility. Can't wait to see the chicks off of her and the rooster I got.
I was never offended!

I thought not. Just wanted to make sure, it's real easy to misunderstand posts on forums. Only reason I brought up the $8-12 thing is because I figured maybe I was doing something wrong. The way I was calculating feed and other costs, I couldn't see how anyone could break even at that price. Unless they were saving costs with alternate feed methods and housing, which I'm always interested in hearing about.
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