Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Nice set up peach!!
So other than waiting to see if she lays, how can I tell if my EE is/isn't a roo? BAIRO-I know you said we could work it out if she was. The reason I am curious is bc I heard some noises that sounded an awful lot like crowing coming from the run this morning
but it was so quick and I hadn't had my coffee yet

I can try to snap some pics of the EE too!
We are leaving our chickens for the first time this wkd-our cousin will be checking on them for us! so hopefully all will go well.

Hens can crow. If there are no males, one female is likely to crow because there is always a dominent female who will take over the flock. if

That said, if you never hear a egg song, you might confuse it for a beginner's crow.

THAT SAID, (lol) a cockerel will crow long before a pullet will lay.

Is there a pic of this boy/girl?
Out of my 22 pullets, 1 RIR is a cockerel for certain and a Barred Rock is most likely one too.

Both are about a 1/3 bigger than the pullets and the RIR is strutting about, so there is no doubt about him.

Joy wants to keep the Barred Rock male, but I going to put the RIR in the skillet.

How old should he be before putting the knife to him?

I have them on Dumore (TS feed) unmediated finisher grower.

I got them back around Easter of this year.
Out of my 22 pullets, 1 RIR is a cockerel for certain and a Barred Rock is most likely one too.

Both are about a 1/3 bigger than the pullets and the RIR is strutting about, so there is no doubt about him.

Joy wants to keep the Barred Rock male, but I going to put the RIR in the skillet.

How old should he be before putting the knife to him?

I have them on Dumore (TS feed) unmediated finisher grower.

I got them back around Easter of this year.

4-6 months old for most breeds. It is never too late, depending on how you cook them that is... you just want the chest muscles to be deleoped enough to be worth your time.

Here she is! See the comb? How old is yours? Easter? The comb on yours will keep growing... I know the waddles are hard to tell on bearded birds, but if I'm right and yours is a boy, then you'll see them later.
And these are just because I want to share. See what happens when I take the camera in the yard?!

This is my own project I have been working on.... a free ranging, self sustainable dark brown egg layer who (might I add) eats very little.

These two are available... the boy is the SFH on the right, the girl on the left (she has blue comming through on her head)

Another cockerel. Lucky me! This one is a XW line Barred Rock... I was hoping for a pullet when I set this egg... his momma was killed that night. So, no, I don't breed XWs... sorry.
4-6 months old for most breeds. It is never too late, depending on how you cook them that is... you just want the chest muscles to be deleoped enough to be worth your time.

Thank you.

The RIR is a marked bird, anyway.

If he had spurs, he would have done a number on my wrist, when I reached down to get the feeder the other morning.

Rude behavior will not be tolerated.
I'm going for boy. Later I'll put my EE up who is a def. hen... you'll see the diff.


See the feathers on his back, right before his tail? Those are saddle feathers. On boys they're long, skinny, and pointy. On girls they are fatter and more rounded. You can see the difference on yours vs. tnchicknut's.

Any birds with pea combs are just hard for me to sex. They have to have almost all of their adult feathers before I can tell.

You must have the "boy" vibe because the girly chick I was growing out for you is starting to look pretty manly, too. If it is a boy, I've got girls I can switch out. Unless you were WANTING another boy?
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