Eastern Washington


I went to that show - expressly to purchase chicks or adult birds - since that is what was advertised. I was not going to wait around for the auction to end, so I left empty handed, with all my money. Its a shame too, because the folks selling birds were kids, and could have really used the money.

So - I am still on the hunt for New Hampshire pullets/hens.

I was very disappointed let me tell you! My DH was not too happy with me waiting around till 1:00 but I did want the chicks I got. Now I wish I had bid on the bantam lavender ameracunas after I saw the parents just beautiful. It did give me some better idea of what direction I want to go. After paying for my chicks I gave a cash donation to the group.
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Happy Easter everyone!!
Was the weather FANTASTIC yesterday, or what!!! I think it's the first time I've been warm in months, I know it's the first time going barefoot this year. Supposed to have few more good ones, too!
Was the weather FANTASTIC yesterday, or what!!! I think it's the first time I've been warm in months, I know it's the first time going barefoot this year. Supposed to have few more good ones, too!
Just gorgeous! I even got to go for a motorbike ride with my hubby. First time I've been on his bike since he bought it in September!
Does anyone know of any local BBS Ameraucana breeders? I prefer to not ship eggs if I can help it..I'm trying to start a breeding program and there is so much risk with shipped eggs that I would rather not. If anyone knows anybody, and you could let me know, that would be great
chickengarden, that sounds like fun. My hubby took yesterday off work to assist with new water heater/furnace installation, and 12 yr. old granddaughter and I worked on siding the coop. It's that Hardi-plank cement board. She was a great help. The stuff is so heavy, you really need another set of hands holding it up. Anyway, too bad his Harley had to spend the day in the garage. A bike ride would have been a lot more fun! So good for you guys! I know how hard it is to get away even for a little while with kids.
So today is Zumba Tuesday. I'm taking my grand with me. She's on spring break this week, so she can get a workout too.
Does anyone on this thread have Brahma chickens?
Does anyone know of any local BBS Ameraucana breeders? I prefer to not ship eggs if I can help it..I'm trying to start a breeding program and there is so much risk with shipped eggs that I would rather not. If anyone knows anybody, and you could let me know, that would be great
I should have some eggs available in about another month.
After that wonderful weather this weekend my garden is starting to take off. I know we will probably have some more frosts, so there are only early crops out, but my peas are four inches high now. The leafy greens are poking thier heads out now, too. My four black sex linked hens all have names now and have been out for outings in the coup twice. They are so funny. I saw two of them snatch up insects already. It is too windy today for them to go out, but it is sunny. Have a good tuesday everyone.

Oh the names are: Lilith, Brie, Ginger and Fluffy.

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