Eastern Washington

A big portion of my flock is molting, cold, dark, so yeah, not many eggs, but my Khaki Cambell ducks are laying like crazy and love the cold, it seems. Especially when their pond thaws enough to swim in it, ice and all.

I have a beautiful, pure breed White Ameraucana rooster if anyone is interested. He is a little bit of a lightweight, and my Lavendar Ameraucana, who is bigger, has asserted himself as top roo. Blanco needs a new home and some hens of his own. Anybody interested in breeding a White? He would produce some lovely Easter Eggers too.

Wow.... 2nd 96 gram egg... 10-25 was the first... this AM the second....

Bad news..... Lavender Orp found dead in the run this AM.... Gonna do a necropsy... she was really skinny.... I'm thinking I may find something in her gizzard... nail, screw.... something..... and I was EXTRA careful and aware of not dropping anything while building the coop and run.... When cutting the wire, chicken and welded, I had a bucket to dispose of all the trimmings while cutting.... Of course this farm is about 70+ years old an no telling what has been dropped...
The other birds were milling around at the far end of the run and quiet.... dead quiet... I threw them some scratch and no one cackled a sound.... weird.... never had that before.... I think they were paying respects...
I think these chickens are getting to me... I'm beginning to get attached.... wasn't gonna do that.... feed 'em and eat 'em.... and collect eggs... amazing how stuff changes....

Oh man, sorry to hear your hen passed :(
Please keep us posted on the necropsy. That is my fear as well, that I dropped something while building the run.

That is a jumbo egg!!!
Hey, everybody! So since everyone's talking about molting and whatnot, I was wondering about my duck. She hasn't molted since she first grew in her adult feathers - about a year and a half ago. Her feathers are looking quite tattered, and I'm sure she would enjoy a set of new ones. But I can't figure out why she hadn't molted. I don't turn on the heat lamp unless it's really cold outside, so the lighting wouldn't be the issue. Whadya'll think? :/
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Yes, that is concerning. Thanks for posting it. I have to test at the end of next month.

I have had my husband shooting the starlings all week and will continue whenever they enter my "NO FLY ZONE" to protect my birds.

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