Eastern Washington

I could not find the FB page, I was going to say a thing or to. Do you have any friends with a dog that barks a lot that you can borrow? You could say 'We got rid of the chickens and got a dog and according to the HOA we can have a dog, you should of chose you're evil, a barking dog or a egg song chickens.' I am all for processing chickens but yours are pets and I could not process a pet.

I have never liked HOAs I suggest you keep your chickens and move.

Oh get Nigerian Dwarf goats and some rabbits a Llamas, LGD, turkeys, sheep, pigs and maybe a cow or two.

Good luck with your venture.
Mrsbos - I really hate neighbors like that...more than our neighbors that let their darn dog bark 24/7 at me in MY own yard! When we moved to Spokane, we specifically bought a house that was not in a HOA, because of all the rules about pets, house color, the way your lawn looks, etc... I wish I could offer my backyard for your girls though! I only have room for 2 more though.

You may try getting in touch with Mrs918 and see if she has made her chicken arrangements yet. I know she had a set back getting her coop going, but I think she's still planning on chickens this year...

ETA: I couldn't find the FB page either...maybe they wised up?
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Thank you for the words of support! The "Say No To Chickens" facebook page was mysteriously taken down the day after I talked to my neighbor. I don't think she had meant for me to know about it---kind of an "ooops" moment for her I guess. She complained today that my birds woke her up at 6am this morning. She must already be sleeping with her windows open b/c I didn't hear a thing and it's my backyard. I measured, and the chicken coop is 50 YARDS from the back of her house.

Anway, short of just conceding to get rid of the birds, I told her that as a friend and neighbor I would bend over backward to lessen the noise "problem". I said I could put the coop (an somewhat easy to move Eglu) in the garage until 7 or 8 am so that no noise would be heard until then. But I said if she was going to continue to complain about the chickens solely because I have them, she doesn't like them, and it is against county ordinances, than that would be both un-neighborly and unfriendly. I told her I valued relationships and friendships more than a fight over a chicken. I told her my husband and I were looking at homes with acreage (or at least no restrictive HOA), but obviously that is not something that would happen quickly. I also told her that in the mean time, the chickens were beloved pets, and weren't going anywhere until I could figure something out. I told her she could call the county and "tell" on us if she felt she had to....of course that would definitely be an end to any friendly or neighborly relations in my book.

I'm just praying that somehow the county moves swiftly in approving chickens in residential areas. That would be one HUGE piece of amunition taken out of her arsenal. If only my house were 1 blk farther north, I'd be in the Spokane Valley City limits and at least "legal" in that respect.
I wonder if she isn't aware that she lives just outside of the Valley and is assuming that the new chicken ruling there affects you as well. I hope everything works out for you!
Cats, lots and lots of free ranging domestic and feral cats. Cats have no problem scaling our 6ft wood privacy fence.

We have raccoons, and yes I have seen them climb chain link and a 6ft privacy fence. They are usually only out at night but I have seen them when I took my son to school 8:30-9:00am. From a distance, most people think they are cats. They do not look like the raccoons people are use to seeing on TV.

I have never seen them but I know we have skunks. I smell them a few times in the spring and a few times in the fall between 1:00 and 4:00 am.

As for hawks I have seen a few, not many where I am at but it depends where in Spokane you are.

Neighbor kids, I am not kidding! I have had kids pull the boards off my fence. Sneak in to the yard when they thought we were gone. On one day, my husband caught three different groups of kids in our privacy fenced backyard. My van was gone so they knew I wasn't home. They didn't think of my husband taking a day off work.
I have a neighbor boy that is determined to get some of my eggs; he wants to hatch them. It doesn’t mater that I said NO, he has no clue how too or that he is the last kid that should have a chick or a chicken for that matter.

My chickens have three lots to roam but only while I am at home. Good thing I am retired.
Cats, lots and lots of free ranging domestic and feral cats. Cats have no problem scaling our 6ft wood privacy fence.

We have raccoons, and yes I have seen them climb chain link and a 6ft privacy fence. They are usually only out at night but I have seen them when I took my son to school 8:30-9:00am. From a distance, most people think they are cats. They do not look like the raccoons people are use to seeing on TV.

I have never seen them but I know we have skunks. I smell them a few times in the spring and a few times in the fall between 1:00 and 4:00 am.

As for hawks I have seen a few, not many where I am at but it depends where in Spokane you are.

Neighbor kids, I am not kidding! I have had kids pull the boards off my fence. Sneak in to the yard when they thought we were gone. On one day, my husband caught three different groups of kids in our privacy fenced backyard. My van was gone so they knew I wasn't home. They didn't think of my husband taking a day off work.
I have a neighbor boy that is determined to get some of my eggs; he wants to hatch them. It doesn’t mater that I said NO, he has no clue how too or that he is the last kid that should have a chick or a chicken for that matter.

My chickens have three lots to roam but only while I am at home. Good thing I am retired.

Did you DH use the BB gun on the kids? Call the cops and get them for tresspassing....Oh, I would be mad.
Cats, lots and lots of free ranging domestic and feral cats. Cats have no problem scaling our 6ft wood privacy fence.

We have raccoons, and yes I have seen them climb chain link and a 6ft privacy fence. They are usually only out at night but I have seen them when I took my son to school 8:30-9:00am. From a distance, most people think they are cats. They do not look like the raccoons people are use to seeing on TV.

I have never seen them but I know we have skunks. I smell them a few times in the spring and a few times in the fall between 1:00 and 4:00 am.

As for hawks I have seen a few, not many where I am at but it depends where in Spokane you are.

Neighbor kids, I am not kidding! I have had kids pull the boards off my fence. Sneak in to the yard when they thought we were gone. On one day, my husband caught three different groups of kids in our privacy fenced backyard. My van was gone so they knew I wasn't home. They didn't think of my husband taking a day off work.
I have a neighbor boy that is determined to get some of my eggs; he wants to hatch them. It doesn’t mater that I said NO, he has no clue how too or that he is the last kid that should have a chick or a chicken for that matter.

My chickens have three lots to roam but only while I am at home. Good thing I am retired.

Sounds like you need a paint gun.

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