Eating Healthy

Thanks! that's very supportive.

I am conflicted about one thing which is that to buy local, organic, and healthy, I began buying whole butter and milk from local grassfed farms. I make my own yogurt as of this month so it's always on hand as a snack or a dessert to quench my sweet tooth after a meal ( i figure its better than chocolate cake). However, it's WHOLE milk and butter, not the skim variety. Some people think if you eat these healthy fats (from grassfed cows) its good for you. And they say, these fats are good in that they satisfy you and then you don't seek out other fatty junk foods.

But all the dieters out there say 'stay away from dairy fats like the plague' . any opinions on this? (I wouldn't make this same argument for buying corn-fed milk and butter. ) Luckily I don't like cheese very much (other than brie which I rarely eat).
Pick up a copy or Dr Shapiro's Picture perfect weight loss. I found a few at the local library.

Not really a diet book but shows you how to make better choices that will help you eat better and loose weight.

One example shows a picture of a regular three scoop bananna split = 1500Calories
(estimation, I don't have the book in front of me)
Then it shows three or four frozen yogurt sundaes with chocholate and nuts etc.. with the same 1500 calories.

Another shows a shot of Vodka and a shot glass of bar nuts.
That is equal to a dinner of grilled scallops, asparagus, and rice etc...

You can still have good food while loosing weight. Just make the right choices.
I've been buying grassfed pork and beef for a while. Can't do real milk, though (lactose issues).

Honestly, I really do believe that eliminating store-bought processed foods is the main issue. Gets you away from corn syrup and additives. I think the fat from whole milk is a lesser issue because you are leaving behind the hormones and antibiotics.

I am trying to buy more local or at least organic (more natural), too. We got a big freezer 2 weeks ago so I can freeze stuff I grow or buy locally in season this summer. I can't give up processed foods altogether, but I know I'm healthier and the economy locally is healthier if I make mostly better choices. Does that make sense?
It makes so much sense to buy locally. You will love your freezer. I wasn't sure I was going to use mine when I set it up last summer but it's full of my garden produce, apple cider from a local apple farmer, chicken I raised myself and meats from a local grassfed farm. There's no room left and I can avoid going to the grocery store easily!

i bought 3 bushels of apples last October and am still eating them after 6 months. They stored perfectly (in the basement), taste great, and I still love apples after all this time. Only 2 or 3 got rotten out of the bunch.
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chickenannie, I KNOW I will love that freezer!
I am sooo looking forward to buying a side of pork and beef rather than buying a piece or two at a time!
And the creamed corn and ears of corn that I froze last summer are just now being finished up, and they could barely fit in our regular freezer. And I got the last bag of frozen sghetti sauce out this morning...
I think the 'footprint' from the freezer will be balanced by the fact that I will be buying locally! And growing stuff myself, too

IMO, I think healthy eating isn't just making better choices, it's also getting up and exercising. I haven't been as good about that in recent days, but I've been gardening and walking around the yard with my big peeps. I think those activities count! But I definitely need to get back into exercising, too.

11 a.m. (it was my day off, so i slept in)
2 poached eggs (so sick of fried eggs, I discovered poached!)
3 slices toasted olive bread
Real butter, 2 t.
Black current jam, 1 t.
Pero (fake coffee, but yummy) with 1/2 c. whole milk
Honey, 1 tsp.

2 p.m.
Homemade yogurt, 1 c.
Maple Syrup, 2 T.

5 p.m.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

9 p.m.
Lima Beans (a whole bag of frozen), cooked
3 t. butter
2 slices toast

Gardening for 2 hours and chicken chores...
April 24

Breakfast: 4 prezel rods, unsweetened tea

Snack: Diced peaches

Lunch: Leftover pork over spaghetti & sauce

Dinner: Not sure. Gotta go shopping after DD's have their orthodontic appt.

Exercise: Watering the garden beds and newly planted flowers/tree. Playing with chicks & cleaning the brooder. Feeding and watering the hens (requires trip up and down hill and stairs).
April 25

Breakfast: Steak-um & cheese 1/2 sandwich, 4 ounces of lemonade

Lunch: 5 pretzel rods, diced peaches, unsweetened ice tea

Dinner: beef, zuchini & yellow crookneck squash

Dessert: ice cream
Thursday April 24, 2008

coffee with cream and splenda

coffee with cream and splenda

double decker taco
caramel apple empanada

mashed potatoes and gravy side (KFC)

1 slice homemade wheat bread
3 tbls chicken/mayo spread
bottled water

Friday April 25, 2008

bottled water
granola bar
coffee with cream and splenda

coffee with cream and splenda

Coke (didn't bring anything and I am NOT eating any more fast food!)

homemade wheat bread
5 slices bacon
2 tbls light Miracle whip
light cherry kool aide
bottled water
Yesterday I did allright:

Small bowl of oatmeal with milk and butter

turkey sandwich and fresh fruit

Pero (coffee substitute) with milk

Spelt noodles with melted butter
Spaghetti sauce with meatballs
Yogurt with an apple

TODAY, not-so-good

Yogurt for breakfast (fed the rest to the cat)
Baked oatmeal with steamed milk


Late late lunch: Wendy's single burger with baked potato side with butter and sour cream
Sprite (I don't even like sodas)

Shopping at the market I snacked on a bite of every sample available (cheese and meat squares, sausage bites, dried apples)
then I had a half bag of chips
5 homemade chocolates with peanut butter inside.


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