Eating turkey eggs?

I had 2 scrambled turkey eggs this morning with grits. They were DELICIOUS !!!!!!!!
O.K., don't EVEN get me started about eggs and grits!!! Throw some sausage crumbles in there and I would eat that 5 out of 7 meals a day!!!

But why are everyone elses hens laying and mine only lay from about March to early June? ...Uh, I think I hear some grits callin' me.

I had 2 scrambled turkey eggs this morning with grits. They were DELICIOUS !!!!!!!! :drool

O.K., don't EVEN get me started about eggs and grits!!!  Throw some sausage crumbles in there and I would eat that 5 out of 7 meals a day!!!  :celebrate

But why are everyone elses hens laying and mine only lay from about March to early June?  ...Uh, I think I hear some grits callin' me.




Well, you just went and made me hungry ALL OVER AGAIN. I didn't even think about adding crumble to it. OMG !!!!!!!!!! :drool Now look at what you did. I have to go to the store to buy some crumble. :lau

As far as when your girls lay, it will be different everywhere. I think in the warmer climates, they lay longer and sometimes all year. My girls lay year round. Looking at your location in your avatar, I see why they only lay a few months. You live in a colder area. Too bad you can't enjoy those delicious eggs year round. :gig
I guess that explains it! After she got done raising her brood, she molted. She's just now growing her new feathers in,

It's funny to think of this as a cooler area when this summer 100 + temperatures were the norm!
But I can remember her standing on one foot, shivering, last winter.

Eggs and Sausage and Grits, OH My!
Eggs and Sausage and Grits, Oh My!...

I guess that explains it!  After she got done raising her brood, she molted.  She's just now growing her new feathers in,

It's funny to think of this as a cooler area when this summer 100 + temperatures were the norm!  :th    But I can remember her standing on one foot, shivering, last winter.

Eggs and Sausage and Grits, OH My!
Eggs and Sausage and Grits, Oh My!...:fl


How cold does it get in your area? 100+ temperature is VERY hot! Sounds like Louisiana weather.

LOL @ Eggs and Sausage and Grits, OH MY! :lau I LOVE IT !!!!
Winter lows can get to 20 below zero at night here, and we have days that never get out of the single digits, but they are rare. Probably most nights get to 0 to 15 and most days are in the low 30s. Wind chill is unbelievable with winter winds gusting at 45 to 50 mph. Last winter (February I think) we had a storm with gusts to 70 mph that really messed things up here!

It fluctuates a lot though. We joke about days in January when it hits 70 degrees for a week or so and starts to fool the fruit trees into budding early, only to get frozen out again later. At night it almost always drops below freezing. The high prairie is never consistent, except in dryness!

This summer, our highest temperature recorded was 107 in June. Our only saving grace is low humidity. When it's that hot, the humidity is usually 10% or less. Usually in the 5 to 7% range. That means using a LOT of water on the garden!

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My family eat our turkeys eggs, i like them better than chicken eggs, they have a nicer taste, not really stronger but kind of creamier. They are best medium boiled so the white is cooked and the yolk is soft, I've made my friends try them (even though they were a bit sceptic) now they ask me If I have any they can have!!! My kids love them!
The answer to the question of eggs is, yes you can eat turkey, duck and goose eggs. Here at the Black Duck Ranch in Kansas City, Kansas we produce four types of eggs. The forth being chicken eggs. I made some wonderful Deviled eggs with chicken, duck, turkey and one goose egg. The Deviled goose egg served three people.
The only difference between a chicken eggs and the other eggs is the thickness of the shell and membrane plus duck eggs make your pastry better.

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