economic crunch and layoffs

Jena, I think you are right. This is going to take a long time to work itself out and "youngsters" aren't prepared. I am only 45, but learned enough from my grandma about the great depression and self sufficiency to prepare (I have 8 turkeys in my freezer, plant a garden, now have egg laying ducks, etc...).

People in their 20's and 30's have no clue what they are in for.
I know teachers have a hard job and deserve a good salary, but that's crazy ridiculous. Thank goodness you're a nurse. Shouldn't be hard for you to find other employment. Best wishes to you!
I know teachers have a hard job and deserve a good salary, but that's crazy ridiculous. Thank goodness you're a nurse. Shouldn't be hard for you to find other employment. Best wishes to you!

I will definitely bounce back-I am lucky in that people will always need medical care. And having advance notice is allowing me to put out feelers now. I am truly blessed compared to how hard some folks have it out there.
My husband is a Union Auto Worker, and boy I sure wish he made 6 figures. We wouldn't be having the tough time we are now trying to make the house payment since he got laid off.
I know teachers have a hard job and deserve a good salary, but that's crazy ridiculous. Thank goodness you're a nurse. Shouldn't be hard for you to find other employment. Best wishes to you!

I have heard of teacher in the UK getting these salaries too,but it does not apply to Adult teachers believe me.

Since I qualified I have worked as an advocate for others like asylum seekers and refugees and also for the disabled, because there is no full time work here for FE Teachers. My experience as an auxilliary nurse has done more for me than qualifications, it taught me how the system works.

I was a Health Advocate, helping people to get care.

All I know is I have to be prepared to make my own way, and be prepared for the long term. Good luck to all of us.

It's only the people who's foundations are built on the dollar, that will struggle, I fit in the lower end of the younger bracket myself, and to tell you the truth,I'd Rather burn an oil lantern for light,Cook over a wood stove,Can green beans,trap,and hunt for food,cook what i Catch and harvest my own crops.That was they way I was brought up,you can only surf the internet for as long as you have it.Many of our traditional practices have been lost to the dollar,"Oh lets just buy that" people are now realizing that the dollar's they have are growing thinner and thinner,and when they run out,they have no basis of traditional knowledge to rely on,so they end up,taking every handout,or spare change that they can get.I really wish we could go back to the days of barter. trade a few egg's for a quart of milk, and such,and we may just see the day that it returns.

You show amazing wisdom, and you are right.

Thank God for you and the others out there like you.

I am sorry for anyone laid off and the problems this darn situation has caused. I am lucky I have nobody relying on me, but I feel for those who have family responsibility. I hope it is not going to be as bad as I fear.

Wifezilla both you and the others here have the best defence a sense of humour, and we will all make it somehow and a lot more will learn.

Let have good hopes for the New Year,

Wishing you all the very best.

The economy has always been bad around here so we're not really seeing any difference. I don't know if that is good or bad.

As to young will be the same as any generation before, I think, people will naturally branch in different directions in any generation. I look at my son and daughter-in-law and the STUPID choices they make and have to remind myself that when I was young and first on my own I made STUPID choices also. Twenty years out of high school I can see that the click of friends that seemed so close all went different ways and prioritized our lives very differently.
I am sorry to hear about your husbands layoff. Do you have a union layoff fund to help?

That's just it, he may be union but it stinks. We receive nothing but state unemployment and that isn't much. He is like the bottom of the pond when it comes to his auto union. Pays his dues but they don't insure employment and they don't help him look for/find another job either.

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