I'm listening to the coyotes sing as I type. As long as I shut the chickens in at night they won't bother anything. We have a Rottweiler. He's no LGD, but his presence during the day is enough to keep the coyotes away during those hours at least. The foxes will sneak a chicken during the day, dog or no dog. I am unlike most chicken keepers in that I like sharing my place with local wildlife, even the predators. As long as I do my due diligence, my predator "taxes" stay low, lol. I actually feel like I lose far less than others--I am overrun by raptors for example, but I've never lost a chicken to one. I wonder if being in an area that has abundant natural prey, as well as predators, keeps my chickens off the menu?

Oh, and I did my 7-day candle tonight. Of 9 pullet eggs I had 2 clears, 1 bloodring, and I continue with 6!
Ended up with a 90% hatch rate on my quail eggs. I'm happy with my new incubator.
Speaking of quail, my dad (without asking) bought me a very expensive breeding pair of snowflake quail. What does one do with quail, anyway? Can they free range? Can they live in the chicken coop? I assume since they are being sold as a "breeding pair" that I am meant to establish a flock with them, but isn't a founding population of two rather small? I have so many questions. To be honest, I've never really been interested in them--I'd much rather focus on my chickens, but...he's excited for me to have them. :idunno
Speaking of quail, my dad (without asking) bought me a very expensive breeding pair of snowflake quail. What does one do with quail, anyway? Can they free range? Can they live in the chicken coop? I assume since they are being sold as a "breeding pair" that I am meant to establish a flock with them, but isn't a founding population of two rather small? I have so many questions. To be honest, I've never really been interested in them--I'd much rather focus on my chickens, but...he's excited for me to have them. :idunno
Snowflake quail! Bobwhites, correct? I'm so jealous. Those are neat. No, they can't free range, but I have kept them in with chickens before.

It's not too bad. Starting with pairs or trios is pretty common.
My sewing machine comes back from the repair shop tomorrow. Had a broken automatic threader and tension problems as well as a crack in the casing. Hopefully everything is fixed because I have a backlog of projects that need done. :fl
what are you creating now my friend???? I no longer have a machine :(
7 of 7 eggs that made it to lockdown hatched. Hatch started early and went till late last night. Were due Wednesday. Two that hatched on time were definitely further developed than the other five. All started at the same time.
View attachment 2032562
OMY goodness are these the cutest!!

Ok, so Tuesday afternoon my dogs are in my office and start barking. I go see what they are barking at, there are two foxes in the big pasture. I let the dogs outside, there's fence so they cannot get into the big pasture unless I open the gate. The foxes run off. Dogs come inside, awhile later they are barking in my office. I look, the foxes are back. I let the dogs out, the foxes run away again, shortly after a bunch of deer run by. I realize it's still rabbit season, a bit later dogs are barking in my office, I look out and see three beagles and four guys in orange vests. no Fox prints have been seen around barn or coup too much rejoicing. I really don't want to have to shoot a red fox, get rid of the foxes and coyotes move in, worse problem.

Why the holes in the blade?
THE BETTER TO KILL WITH MY FRIEND lmao shrugs idk but its cool looking!

Ended up with a 90% hatch rate on my quail eggs. I'm happy with my new incubator.
View attachment 2035339
I AM SO HAPPY for you sweets!!!! so cute!!

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