Egg bound or sick or something else???

She’s panting and heavy breathing, and super uncomfortable. Switches between standing and laying. She poops clear jelly-like liquid now. Video linked here!

Okay, husband got home from his work trip and we were able to get a bunch of calcium and water into her. Her vent looks moist but I gave it a spray anyways.

There is a vet in town who handles poultry but I have never been to them or worked with them. I called and they can see her tomorrow but it’s going to run upwards of $300 especially if they decide they need to take an x ray.

Trying to weigh if that’s worth it or if this is a condition that would continue with her and be a problem down the road?
I hope this ended as a success story. I think one of my hens is egg bound so I appreciate the advice given to you and hope your hen survived.
How much calcium and what kind did you give? Does she full full between her legs, and is it spongy, firm, or tight like a drum?
I just went out and felt her and she’s super swollen and water ballon-ey between her legs. She’s laying down but eating and drinking, comb and wattles still red, seems in good spirits - not lethargic or anything. I gave her 400mg of calcium citrate + D3.
From her photo, her stance does not appear to coincide with the legs wide apart stance of a chicken suffering from ascites. If the abdominal swelling is most predominant behind the legs and directly beneath the vent, then it may point to reproductive infection or simply overweight which is not healthy and can lead to fatty liver disease.

Giving a calcium supplement in case she's struggling with a stuck egg is the first thing I would do. It's simple, safe, and easy, and won't cause any harm if we're wrong, and it will do a whole mountain of good if this is egg binding.

Give at least 600mg of calcium and provide access to fresh plain water tonight. Be sure she's not in a cold or chilly spot, and it's quiet and stress-free. Then check on her in the morning and tell us what her poop looks like and if she's still lethargic.

We'll need to see how this unfolds before we can make any further guesses as to what might be going on. Yes, guesses...we aren't clairvoyant and we aren't even vets. But as things progress, our experience may recognize something and we'll likely have more suggestions.
She is not lethargic - just standing funny with her tail tucked and chest upright, slower to walk and waddling around. Seems very bottom heavy. She hasn’t laid an egg in probably 35hrs or so - could that be because I have her separated from the rest and she doesn’t have her usual nesting box? If she isn’t lethargic should I just let her go about with the other girls and see what happens? More calcium?

Just checked on her and this is what her poop looks like this morning.

If she is simply overweight how do you control that with 8 hens in a coop?

Thanks for all of your help!

Had a friend who brought over a heating pad so she’s on that now. Pooped again, picture attached. I got some water into her and will leave her be until noon. She was seeming a little more lethargic, squinting eyes, and panting a bit…

I don’t have much to add here. You have some really great advice from other way more knowledgeable. Just wanted to say I hope she feels better soon. I love my Orpingtons so I hope she can kick whatever this might be!
Thank you! She seems in fine spirits besides the fact that she can’t move around a ton and seems uncomfortable - not weak yet - comb still red, still cooing and happy - but again hasn’t laid at all. 600-800mg of calcium is in her! I’ll make sure to get some water in her too and keep you posted today. Thanks again.
good luck !

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