egg cartons for dozen eggs

Try posting on your local Craigslist and Freecycle. Often people have a stack of them and are glad to give them away.
Try e-bay.
You can try Falcon Packaging. I don't have their email address, but their phone number is 937-473-3252. They are a bit cheaper. I got some from them in December and my cost shipping and all was about 19 cents each. Also you can try, as already mentioned, looking for free ones. Sometimes that works well. Are you selling your eggs or just needing to store them for yourself and family/friends. Because I sell mine, I'm pretty picky about my cartons as I like them to be as nice as the eggs inside. Sometimes recycled ones can be a bit well--recycled looking.
Thanks everyone and i am selling eggs just to friends and family but this spring i will be getting about 4 to 5 dozen a day. I will also be selling alot of chicks i hope. I will also be selling on ebay and eggbid.

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