Egg (for eating) price?


8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
Bethany, Oklahoma
My Buff Orpingtons are laying like crazy, an average of 8 eggs per day from 11 hens, and I've got a stockpile of eggs in the fridge. I have to start selling but I'm unsure what to charge. I've seen anywhere from $2 to $4 a dozen. I really don't want to have to mess with storing egg cartons, either, so I'm thinking I'll offer them for $3.50, they provide the carton. Does that sound about right? Or am I shooting too high?

I think it depends where you live, I think. I sell mine to the local elevator for $1.75/dozen, and they sell them for $2.
I checked my local Craigslist...prices for free-range eggs ran from $2 to $4/dozen. I split the difference and posted an ad for $3/dozen. However, my best customer (14 dozen/month) is nice enough to pay me $3.50, since that's what she'd been paying. (her idea, not mine...honest!).
I get about 1 1/2 doz./ day and sell them for $3.00/ dozen. I was advertising on Craigslist but I have quit advertising because I can not keep up with the orders. I could probably sell them for $4.00/ doz., but I am not going to raise the price. I may just have to get more chickens. I think $3.00 would be a good price to start with.
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It definitely depends on location. I wish I could sell mine for $2.50, because that is what brown eggs from the store cost. I rarely sell any, but when I do I sell them for $2. I don't advertise, but most the people that I come across think that that is too expensive. Which it really is not, they just want something for nothing or to take advantage of me. Heck, I get weird looks when I they to sell a 1st year layer for $10.
So.....I just give most of mine to family and friends, but I know if I need help they are there. To me that is greater than dealing with those swindling people.
Tmoore, I kept my ad up for 48hours and then deleted it for the same reason - my 13 chickens couldn't keep up with the orders, either. And I'm also thinking of getting more chickens! ...a couple of silver laced wyandottes... A couple of those cute brahmas... Which means I'll have to enlarge the hoop coop... which means I'll have more eggs...

The cycle of chickens.
That's my approach.

I keep seven layers. It's typical to get 7 eggs three days or better a week, rarely fewer than 5.

It's more than we can use and we've developed a casual market of folks to give them to. On the occasions we get a dozen or two ahead of what we can use or give to friends and family, they go to the local food pantry.

I'm a big believer (from experience) that things like that come back to you in kind, even if not from the folks who benefit directly from it.

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