Egg Price Profiteering Where You Live Due To Coronovirus?

My Dad who was a WWII veteran taught me what a fine meal Spam was, especially fried crisp with a fried egg and Mayo on white bread. And add a fresh Cherokee Purple tomato slice and I am in Heaven.

I will fry up some Spam in a pan and cut it into small pieces. Then I add it into an omelet mixture with whatever fresh greens we have available. That's my favorite use of Spam.

I also will use it as a bacon substitute alongside fried eggs. I'm sure there are probably many other ways to use Spam as well. Since I am practicing Stay-at-Home as much as possible, having cans of Spam in the cupboard just seemed to make sense.

I went into town a few days ago, but that was the first time in 2 weeks. Local business are mostly shut down and other than buying food, there is nothing else I really need. We do have one patient in our local hospital with the Coronavirus, so I hope all this Social Distancing and Stay-at-Home precautions will help stop the spread.
Meanwhile I can't even get my mother-in-law to come over and take a dozen or two off our hands. Hubby has suggested we could leave them on the porch for her to pick up, if that makes her feel safer, but so far she hasn't said anything on that.

I gave my sister a dozen eggs a few months ago. After a few weeks, I asked her if she liked them. Well, she said, they had not used any yet even after 2-3 weeks. So that was the last time I made any effort on giving her "free" eggs. Dear Wife has friends that are willing to pay $2.00 per dozen for the eggs and are very thankful of the fresh eggs. I don't know what I'm trying to say, other than sometimes people do not appreciate something they get for nothing.
I don't know what I'm trying to say, other than sometimes people do not appreciate something they get for nothing.

Oh my mother in law is usually very happy to take eggs, but I think the whole virus thing has her scared enough that she doesn't want to risk coming over (but she's still ok buying eggs at the store?) :confused: Hence why we offered to just leave it her porch, or our porch, or whatever makes her feel safer.
Oh my mother in law is usually very happy to take eggs, but I think the whole virus thing has her scared enough that she doesn't want to risk coming over (but she's still ok buying eggs at the store?) :confused: Hence why we offered to just leave it her porch, or our porch, or whatever makes her feel safer.

Sounds like you are going the extra mile for your mother-in-law. Hope it works out. I think we all need to be extra considerate of others at these times.

Dear Wife was very concerned about our short supply of toilet paper and paper towels at home when she saw the shelves being emptied at the stores. For years, I have telling my wife we should stock up on the non perishables when they go on sale. I just wanted to save money on sale items. We have the extra room to store stuff. But she would never allow it thinking we could always buy whatever we needed when we wanted. Times have changed.....
For years, I have telling my wife we should stock up on the non perishables when they go on sale. I just wanted to save money on sale items. We have the extra room to store stuff. But she would never allow it thinking we could always buy whatever we needed when we wanted. Times have changed.....

My hubby would tell me the same: "It's not going to spoil, buy an extra pack." But I didn't see the need in having 48 rolls of toilet paper or what not. I kind of... still don't? Granted my area has been restocking bit by bit so that sense of panic is no longer there for me, but I know many other areas are not so fortunate. But because our store shelves aren't completely bare, I'm choosing to not buy more at this time since I really don't need to, because I know there's folks out there who really are low on supply and need it.
I don't charge for my eggs, I just give them to my neighbors. Everyone around us is elderly and they put up with upwards of 30 chickens on our property at times (although we've narrowed it to 17 as of recently. I gave some hens away to families to help with egg shortages and lower my feed cost). However... a carton of 1 dozen brown free range eggs here is around $12 and if you can find them now they're closer to $18 at the moment. I've had neighbors offer me money for our eggs but I've lived in this house 20 years and they've been here the whole time watching me grow up (dh and I live in my childhood home) and i just can't justify taking any money from them. On occasion they'll force my 9 year old to at least take $5 for the ice cream truck that drives around so he and his brothers and sister can get a popsicle... I've told him that's fine as long as it's not everytime and it's no more than $5.
I think the shortages are due to both panic hoarding and resultant backup in restocking. Hopefully folks calm the hell down so supply and demand can re-balance.
Have seen several edicts against price gouging.

Now, we still sell the eggs for $2.00 per dozen but only to our friends that were buying before this Coronavirus situation.
Have had a couple people who previously turned their noses up at my prices contact me...told them I'd put them on my overflow list, but not to hold their breath.
I wanted to say more, but a rare occurrence of diplomacy kept my thoughts to myself.

But I didn't see the need in having 48 rolls of toilet paper or what not. I kind of... still don't?
I used to shop at Sams Club and loved buying huge packages of non perishables, just meant I didn't have to shop for them as often. I still buy the biggest package of TP for the same reason, and sure am glad I did.
My hubby would tell me the same: "It's not going to spoil, buy an extra pack." But I didn't see the need in having 48 rolls of toilet paper or what not. I kind of... still don't? Granted my area has been restocking bit by bit so that sense of panic is no longer there for me, but I know many other areas are not so fortunate. But because our store shelves aren't completely bare, I'm choosing to not buy more at this time since I really don't need to, because I know there's folks out there who really are low on supply and need it.

Our local WalMart is completely out of toilet paper. They have been out of toilet paper for at least 3 weeks. Evidently, they do get some toilet paper for restock but it disappears in only minutes. So if you are not at the store at that exact moment, you just look at empty shelves. Same situation with Target, the big box grocery stores, and the Dollar Tree.

Normally I would buy toilet paper on sale and get it for about 25 cents per roll. If you can find any toilet paper in town now, you are lucky if you get it for $1.00 per roll. I have seen toilet paper for as much as $3.00 per roll. All the stores have signs limiting purchase to 1 package per person, but really that does not matter if the shelf is empty. I hope the panic will die down and that things improve.

But we also see the same behavior for fresh eggs in the stores. There is a limit of 1 dozen eggs per purchase. Last time I went into WalMart, I checked out the egg shelves. The shelves were mostly empty, the prices of eggs remaining had about doubled since my last visit, and there was a sign limiting purchase to one package. Given that existing chickens are still laying about 1 egg per day and that there is no great chicken die off, I wonder why the egg shelves are bare. Are people trying to hoard eggs also? I don't know.

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