Egg recall on the News stations every day now.

Especially With the Side effects
Who wouldnt want fresh eggs
Salmonella-induced gastroenteritis is most often caused by eating raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs or egg products. The incubation period ranges from several hours to two days. Signs and symptoms may include:

* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Abdominal pain
* Diarrhea
* Fever
* Chills
* Headache
* Muscle pains
* Blood in the stool
Go to
or just type egg farms in Google and example after example will come up.
And see how lucky we and our chickens are, those egg farms are truly disgusting. It is hard to believe how cruel man can be to poor animals.
I already have a few family members asking me for eggs. It's so scary and disgusting what these egg farms do. I'll be getting 6 eggs a day soon and I couldn't be happier. Maybe I should start an egg stand here in the burbs...Hmmmmm
This recall may be one of the biggest arguments for keeping smaller and more regional flocks. I do not agree that these birds and eggs are produced in filth and so forth. I do believe that as consumers reward price with their purchases agriculture has responded by more and more consolidation. With this conolidation comes the possibilty of a very wide spread issue should anything bad occur.

I do not believe that my eggs or any other backyard eggs are any more or less safe than those produced in the large houses. The difference is that if I have an issue I may have bad day or three and the few people I have sold or given eggs to may have a bad day, but we will not make national news and we wont recall a half a billion eggs.

I might need to apologize to Uncle John if he starts worshiping the porcelain God, but I wont asking for an international recall

Just before this whole egg recall came about I was in Albertson's. I decided to buy some eggs because all my 3 girls were on strike. The heat here is unbelievable. Anyway, the eggs were .99 a dozen and I wondered why they were so cheap . . . well I looked and looked at each carton. The eggs looked bad. Dirty. I finally chose a package. A few days later we started hearing about the recall. I trashed all the eggs. I think that the producers knew that the new standards were about to go into effect so they dumped a bunch of eggs on the market (that's why the cheap price). Bottom line for me is I'd rather have a few eggs from my own chickens than tainted eggs from sick chickens.
Well, brace yourselves, all you hopefuls. I suspect the government will once again screw up everything for everyone.

Tonight on the national news, the media was advocating there is an "answer" to the salmonela/tainted food dilemma in the egg industry...pasteurizing all the eggs...that is, running them through warm, extended baths at a certain temperature that is not supposed to cook the eggs but kill all bacteria in them. Some say it does not affect the taste of the eggs, others say it does. Again, something that will favor only big industry, the only ones who could probably afford such elaborate equipment versus the little guy who just wants to sell at the farmer's market or locally.

I hope I'm wrong, but I see another sea of red tape and regulation that punishes the small farmer coming. Never mind that the jerk who started all this is a big corporate egg producer with a number of marks against him...let's just make it tougher on everybody.

We just had an 'egg relay' over the weekend at my cousins house and some of the parents there were very concerned about the salmonella outbreak and the eggs being used. It was quickly put to rest and people were put at ease when my cousins wife explained to them that I had brought the eggs and they were completely safe--of course that always leads to the "you raise your own chickens?" conversations

It always makes me laugh...but I always inform people who are interested in the subject and encourage them to consider getting them. I always tell them how theraputic chickens are for me and how they teach my children responsibility and patience, and also respect for animals...both for the adults and also how fragile the babies are. And of course I always offer to give them their first chickens
Im hoping we can sell some eggs now. This past year we havent been able to give eggs away, Ive been hard boiling the eggs and feeding them back to the girls just to get rid of them. Last year we couldnt keep eggs, then I raised the price from 1.00 to 1.25 and I lost customers........................go figure..................
I certainly hope the govt doesnt get involved either... My hunch on this is it is a feed issue as the bacteria is inside the egg... It also could be a water issue.. That is another reason to use the best feeds possible... As far as pasturizing I saw an piece on it the largest paturizer out ther can only do like 2 percent of all eggs used at max My advice is leave well enough alone if the news articles are correct then less that 2ooo are sick well divide that by the population of 300 million and that means a wopping 0.00000666 percent of the population is sick... more than that die daily of car wrecks... typical media going nuts over crud... I know it is tempting to revel in the commercial folks plight and Im no fan of cage rearing but it could easily be one of us and it is likely any govt interference would mess with us more thn the factorys...

I hope you do not mind...But I can not resist jumping up on my "soap box"


SO what do all you supporters of industrial agriculture have to say for you selves?
All of you who say documentary's like FRESH or Food Inc are only "movies" to make money... Whatcha got to say know?
(I want to catch you while the current example of industrial agricultural catastrophe is fresh in your minds since you all seem to forget these kinds of things real quick..)

Looks like a good time to voice support and open up your wallet and start buying locally from small to mid size farms that support sustainable agriculture:)

Just wait next time it could be a blight or something that gets into the GMO soy or corn crops.. Then our tinkering with the food system to increase efficiency and profit for the industrial farms, may just lead to global catastrophe.

How about we go back to smaller farms Open pollinated seed and foods that are sold locally!


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