Egg Sales: Some interesting experiences to share

Boy am I glad I clicked on this link! As soon as people heard we were hatching chicks they wanted to know if we had eggs for sale! The school office has gotten calls about it too. This is one reason we are trying to supply a few families with laying hens, it can help supplement their incomes. If we can get approval my class will sell eggs next year to learn how to handle money, figure out the percentages of feed to chicken to egg to price them, etc.
I asked people to save egg cartons for us to use later. Thanks for the links for egg cartons, now I'm thinking about getting some personalized cartons that have our project name on them!
Settin'_Pretty :

I've noticed a lot of people say they charge $1.50 a dozen.
Is this just to unload the eggs or do you expect a little profit to go back into the chicken coop?

I was considering this aspect for when I get all moved and set up again, but $1.50?
Eggs at wal-mart right now are $1.89 and cartons cost about fifty cents a piece.
Seems to me anything less than $2.50 a dozen a person is cheating himself.

Exactly! I recently went up to $2.50/doz, at first I had a few folks that acted like they were being stolen from but eventualy saw the light and are now happily paying it. I can sell every egg my chickens can lay and cover feed for them and my horses!​
Have you considered selling eggs for 20 or 25 cents per carton less if they bring their own cartons.
Recycle, Recycle, Recycle.
I was considering it, as soon as my girls start laying enough to sell.
I told all my customers.....bring me 12 clean egg cartons, get a free dozen eggs. I have 100 cartons for backup now. I feel MUCH better, knowing they are ready when I need them. I just bag them up in stacks of 50...and store them upside down. They stay clean..and ready when I need them.

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