Egg Spam?


12 Years
Jan 4, 2008
Central MA
Why is BYC listed on Dragcave as an eggspam site? could you talk to them nifty because i'm getting tons of pm's from people who are begging me for new eggs...


i just noticed that this thread is the 1000th topic in announcements..
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I think this could be taken to pm bawk
or at least change the title so more people look
For the most part it hasn't been a problem (except for cases like the above).

I can't get someone else to remove a link from their site to ours, but you guys (especially those who do DC) should email the owners / admins / etc. of the site and ask that they remove the link.

If anybody get's spam from these members please let us know and we'll ban them quick.
I've reported some of the spammers before. As to getting the link removed, one of the people who was on BYC before dragon cave was introduced to them has acked an administrator to remove BYC from their list of eggspam sites
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