Egg wait anyone???

Since ive posted last I have also started getting blue bantam eggs from my ee's!!!
Yeah.. I guess I just spoke to soon. But no eggs from my first splash. Makes me wonder if she will ever lay.
Can they NOT have egg cells. Are there hens that dont lay?
the first chicks I hatched out 3-29-2010 are a cross marans (cuckoo cross Black coppermarans) Are layer now. They would lay a egg and then quit or hide a egg. last month. They free range so note sure. Now they are using the nest box. So around 7 months... I fine my marans only lay a few eggs and get broody. Especially the cuckoos. How about your marans.

People are saying why would you cross the two colors. The cuckoo marans hen I got for a Breeder here in California the egges had horrible color, not much darker than a rhode island red egg. So I had a BCM from a very dark line of egg layers. I knew the chicks would be easy to sex because the pullets would be black roos would be barred. To make a long story short the hens are laying beautiful dark brown eggs, two to three shade darker than there moms. will cross them back to there father to see if I can get even darker eggs,

PS Also cross the same roo in to 1 EE hen (blue egg layer) her pullets had not started laying or they have a brown not sure which way. All her pullets look just like her.
PSS I dont show birds and have no want to show chickens just like the pretty eggs
I'd love to see photos of all of the egg colors that people are getting. Mine went from blue/green to olive green. 1 hes has been laying for 2 weeks, every other day. The other three are still freeloaders!
still no eggs here... we're at 22 weeks
i am playing the waiting game with my 4 barred rock hens. they are around 25 weeks old. 2 of them have red combs and wattles, the other 2s are still small and pink. my crazy shaggy white leghorn laid 2 eggs after we got her then we moved 3 weeks ago and still no egg from her yet. although she had spent a few nights out b/c the cat cased her and she wouldnt go back in at night. then finally, yesterday i found where she was hiding and grabbed her just before dark! needless to say she will not be going out for a few more days with everyone else when they free-range in the afternoon. i fixed up one nest for them and put in a fake egg. hopefully they get the hint
We have 5 hens, born June 14th. 2 EE and 3 BA's. Two look ready- red faces and combs have grown- but still no eggs. We even check the yard once a week to see if they are hiding them from us! Just wish we would get something soon!
Two of 4 aussies are now laying at almost 7 months old. We got a brown egg today, all of hte others were green - apparently they will change shade, but not hue! Woohoo, 2 down, 2 to go!

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