Egg wait anyone???

6 pullets from 4 to 6 months no eggs yet. the 6 month are new to the flock the guy that gave them to me said they have layed a couple eggs but sparatic. they have been here a few weeks just started free range with the others waiting on them to settle in.
We just started the "great wait" all over again..... picked a couple of chicks this past week..... they are about a week old right now. Guess we'll be waiting quite a while for those two!!
can you hear me now? :

Still in the norm. Threaten to fry them, worked for me but I did it at 25 weeks. Are their combs reddening? Usually a good sign they will be soon.

3 of the girls are getting larger & redder. I think Frenchie may be a Production Red or NHR, because her's seems alot smaller.

It's not a good picture, but this was a couple of weeks ago.

I have 3 chickens at 33 weeks - 2 that started laying at 26 weeks or so, and another that is still holding out. I have another 3 that are 25 weeks - and still no eggs yet! Now that it is getting darker and colder, is there a lower chance that they will start? I heard a bit of cayenne pepper helps...2/6 just doesn't seem that great!
Yeah that's awesome! Ar you waiting for others? We got our 1st egg of 4 chickens two weeks ago, but have only gotten 6 eggs total since then. This is a very slow process!

Yes I am expecting eggs from my two Golden Comets on or about the first of the year, then shortly after that, my two Barred Rocks should start to produce, I'm eggcited! Fried up the first egg and it was delicious!
Have 3 BCM and 3 Welsummer hens Only get One egg thats all a day, they are all 6mos. so anyday now
Waiting waiting waiting ...
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Still in the norm. Threaten to fry them, worked for me but I did it at 25 weeks. Are their combs reddening? Usually a good sign they will be soon.

3 of the girls are getting larger & redder. I think Frenchie may be a Production Red or NHR, because her's seems alot smaller.

It's not a good picture, but this was a couple of weeks ago.

looks to be really close. About all with the cayenne peppers for helping. I have tried it and think someone wanted us to know.because they were hot? Not sure there but I do know that chickens dont taste hot so of that is the case I don't think it will work. if it does more power to anyone that used it. I fed my girls habañeros this uear and didnt phase them a bit.
I'm in my first egg drought since I have had chickens. My small flock of 2.5 and 1.5 year old ones is molting and today I got my first egg in a week! I feel like you guys waiting on your pullets to get into gear. Just like the pullets, my the hen's hormone levels are not there yet, small combs tell me that. I will start putting light on them to hopefully get them in the mood again. It would be a shame if we had to BUY eggs!
I am still on the waiting end. My leghorns combs are developing very nicely tho, just not fast enough. LOL i tried the deep frier threat today. So lets see if it works. They have been moving around the nesting mats in the boxes, or that could be the 8 week olds. Who knows with those trouble makers.
How funny, the irony of it is that the bird I used to threaten first with the fryer was a WL hen that someone sold to me. She laid HUGE eggs but not daily. She was up there in age. It seemed every time i would give her a threat, I would get an egg the next day.

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