Eggs classified as HAZMAT by PO


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 17, 2009
Upper Lower Michigan
I ordered a mixed bunch of hatching eggs because I had a hen go broody and they were mailed a week ago. They still haven't arrived. I contacted the seller yesterday and she told me that the other eggs she had mailed the same day had been opened by the post office, inspected and declared HAZMAT, labeled as such and then shipped ground, even though Priority Mail had been paid for (expensive for eggs, as you may know). So we're guessing my eggs are traveling ground marked HAZMAT. If they arrive today, I figure there might be a chance for them, but I don't know - they're over a week old at this point and been through rough traveling in the cold. I'll try some perhaps. Now I'm collecting Buff Orpington eggs from my ladies to let the broody one sit on. I was just hoping to get a few different breeds in there. Love my Buffs, but I like variety, too.
OMG......... We will distroy ourselves
That's why I just label the box fragile and nothing more. None of anyone's business what's in there anyway. HAZMAT indeed. The ignorance of people astounds me- although you'd think it wouldn't anymore.
Hazmat? Eggs? They better run and close down all the grocery stores and decontaminate!

Have you asked the PO why?
I haven't seen the box yet. I'm pretty sure they were just marked fragile and nothing else, though, because we had discussed it beforehand. I'd been told to ask they be marked "Hatching Eggs, do not Xray" and she said she just marked it "fragile" because if they got too curious they might open the box and undo all her safe packaging. So I told her to go with what has worked in the past.

Didn't work this time.

The seller is quite upset and switching to UPS.

It is, indeed, madness.

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