Eggs for vegans?

Ok, you guys, you've got my curiosity up. I do understand those of you who think animals are being mistreated. I do understand the one who posted that ifin she couldnt kill it she didnt deserve to eat it. What are some other reasons that yall dont eat meat? The only other two that I can come up with is that yall dont like the taste (gasps at the thought) or health/medical reasons.

Myself, I could not imagine life without meat.
However, I am seeing a trend of people who are moving away from meat and or meat products.

What do you guys do for protein?

If I have offended, I surely did not mean to.
I think it's rediculous not to eat the eggs your own chickens lay since you know they are treated well and kept in good clean conditions and the eggs are not fertile so you are not killing an embryo. The chickens are going to lay eggs whether you eat them or not so it makes no sense to let them go to waste!
Ok, basically, if you are Vegan... you chose to not eat ANYTHING produced by animals or from animals. True vegans will NOT eat eggs, and its not because of how the animal is kept, it is because the animal produces eggs to reproduce and not to feed us. That's how vegan works. This also goes for such things that include GELATIN which is produced from animal muscle... you can't have honey... its produced by bees to take care of themselves and not us, no milk or dairy because of the obvious. Again... anything produced by or from animals is off limits. So be VERY careful while reading ingredients that you follow vegan guidelines... its tough to keep up with sometimes. My brother-in-law is vegan... and I couldn't do it if you asked!!

It is NOT about mistreatment of animals, its about taking what is theirs and not ours!
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I could just about be a vegetarian, not because I have a problem with eating animals, but because veggies are yummy. I also take issue with the way big ag treats animals. I tried going ovo-lactate vegetarian for about a year. It wasn't for me. As much as I like veg, I'm not disciplined enough to balance that kind of diet. It was just too high maintenance and I was feeling very sickly. Now I eat more veg than meat and try to avoid meat from unknown sources. I still don't want to support ginormous CAFOs. Eggs I consume almost daily and my health and energy level have significantly improved.
mjdtexan, one other big reason not to eat meat is religious. Hindus do not eat meat for religious reasons. Many Jewish people who keep kosher are vegetarian because it is just easier to do than to keep seperate everything for meat and dairy. All my Kosher friends in college didn't eat meat just because it made life easier.

Vegans don't use animal products for moral/philosophical reasons.

Sorry to thread hijack.
Besides the horrible conditions, there's no way to know what they've been fed. Some places have been found to feed chickens ground up chickens. Some places feed cows ground up chickens & chicken poop. If you compare store bought chicken or eggs and one raised in a free range, well fed , healthy enviornment, then the difference is pretty obvious.

The same goes for veggies btw, I don't want my food waxed, sprayed or irradiated. I don't want weird additives or chemicals either. Try setting some butter on a plate on a windowsill. Also put the same amount of margarine right next to it. The butter will get moldy, bugs will eat it, it'll go bad. Nothing will happen to the margarine except it'll get dusty. Scary.

For protein, animal protein is harder for your body to digest than a combination of grains, veggies & beans. A lot less "bad" fat in a veggie diet as well. At 44, I am 10lbs more than I was in highschool and every bit as strong or stronger than my non veg. friends.
I've found that now if I try to eat meat, it doesn't taste very good to me and it sits like a brick in my stomach. It also makes my poop really stink! (probably t.m.i.) and I get attacked by mosquitoes when normally they leave me alone.

I hope that helps answer some of your questions......
Wow, you guys are on top of your business thats for sure. I,m still gonna eat meat. But my hats off to yall that follow your convictions. We are moving toward raising our own meat by the way. Its how I found this site, sortof.
You know, I have wondered that, too. Some asked me that when we were talking about different eating lifestyles and it came up.

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