Electric fence question


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
We just bought the premier poultry net. I haven't powered it up yet, but I was wondering if my 9 week old chicks will still be able to get through the holes when it is electrified? Is it electrified just above the bottom string?
Some animals can sense the electricity and won't go near it....I would say try it out and see what happens... they should be pretty big at 9 weeks I bet one zap will teach them quick also
I had this last year. Yes they will go through it 9 weeks and no they will not get zapped. In order for the fence to work, there has to be contact with the ground. At 9 weeks they aren't heavy enough to contact the ground AND their feathers are effective insulators. The fence is to keep bad guys out more than your chicks in. You'll have to put up a second chicken fence to ensure they stay in.

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