

13 Years
Mar 3, 2011
Western WI
Hello everyone
I am brand new to chicken-owning, and I just ordered my first six the other day (yay!) and they are due to come in the end of June. I was wondering what people's opinion is on giving chicks electrolytes/vitamins in their water for the first days after they arrive. I ordered Gro-Gel with my order (I ordered from Meyer) and I am planning on giving that to my babies the first day. So are electrolytes necessary? My experience with electrolytes has all been wtih horses and if you give them too much they get diarrhea, but I'm sure it's not the same with chickens. Any advise would be very helpful! Thanks so much!
I've never used that gel but alot of people here have. I only use Elec/Vits in their water for several days if not weeks.
As I've been reading only for the past three weeks on here I'm no expert at all. But I have read a few people post that it was necessary and a few people had to stop giving it to their chicks b/c they thought it the cause of sickness.
I didn't use electrolytes or vitamins with either of my orders. If they arrive healthy and in good condition it's not really necessary. If they arrive stressed however, it sure would be good to have some handy.
Hmmm so it's kind of like brooding, you have to let the chicks tell you! I'll definitely get some just in case like Kimberly said, it's better to be safe than sorry! Thanks for all the replies, I would love to hear more if anyone else has something to say. Thanks again!
I was planning on experimenting with giving it to them the first few days then one waterer with electrolytes and one without.
Electrolytes should be used in moderation. It has high sodium content which can cause organ damage if overused. However, it does provide a good boost for weak chicks when needed. I do feel it is appropriate to use for a few days for shipped chicks until they get going and are eating well. After that, I would use plain fresh water.

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