EMERGENCY: Broody killed all chicks but one egg. Still hope?


6 Years
Mar 12, 2015
I have a broody hen that just killed all her chicks but one egg what should I do???? The egg was left alone, and when I tried to put it back under her, it was chirping. It was not sat on for five minutes and jostled around quite a bit.Right now it is not chirping when moved and she is sitting on it and I am watching her....
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here's the chick!!
Thank you for your response!!! I have an incubator, should I put it in there? If so, does anyone know with what temp and should I also add a wet sponge for humidity?
99.5 F with forced air 102F with still air. 60% - 70% humidity. If you dont have a hygrometer to chech what the humidity is then yes add a sponge near but nit touching the egg.

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