Emu pictures and stories.... post them here

They are pretty hideous!

*shrugs good-naturedly* Hey, I tried!

I really hope you find something that works for you (If you don't, hey, at least the emus will love you)
Hi all. I have a sad story. We got our two emus (male & female) from friends with a hobby farm who were moving off the farm. We fell in love with them. Then last week the male died. My husband came home and he was down and lethargic and then started having seizures. We had a necropsy done, still waiting on results but preliminary says gout and possibly something caused by a tick bite. Our female seems very lonely, but okay. What did we do wrong if anything? And where can we find her a new friend?
They eat Mazuri Emu maintenance have over an acre to roam, and are in with our male alpacas.
Hi all. I have a sad story. We got our two emus (male & female) from friends with a hobby farm who were moving off the farm. We fell in love with them. Then last week the male died. My husband came home and he was down and lethargic and then started having seizures. We had a necropsy done, still waiting on results but preliminary says gout and possibly something caused by a tick bite. Our female seems very lonely, but okay. What did we do wrong if anything? And where can we find her a new friend?
They eat Mazuri Emu maintenance have over an acre to roam, and are in with our male alpacas.

Where do you live?

I had a pair, one year old this month. I lost my beautiful Wilma. Fred has been alone since then. My vet also thought it may have been due to a tick. Whatever it was, it was neurological and very sad.
Kathy, I did not know about Wilma - so sorry to hear it! Good thing Fred has some companionship with the little guys.

Wampa, hope you can find a friend for your girl, and that the necropsy has some answers for you.
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Sounds like what happened to Thing Two (ours were named Thing One and Thing Two). Were you looking to find a home for Fred or is happy with all those chicks? We have made so many phone calls and inquiries to every place we can find on line to ask about getting another emu but so far no luck.
(IlaWampa and WampaOne are the same person BTW ... I couldn't log in early and ended up creating a second account!)
Wampa, don’t be hard on yourself. You probably didn’t do anything very wrong. The hard hard fact is that ‘attrition’ is high, both among captive and wild birds.

Keep looking for a new bird. You have the space, and experience now. Emus don’t mate for life, so the female may well accept a new male.

Ticks! I hate them. Thought I was being a bit of a princess when I asked for advice about one last winter. Now here are two anecdotes about ticks causing illness/death.

Good to see you here, Kathyinmo! Who is the ‘unit’ in the photo?

Supreme Emu
I am uploading a video right now. On it (toward the end) you will see how Fred walks. He always walks as if he has a thorn in his left foot. He runs, but rarely. He is very docile and is not even penned. He always stays around the chickens and our dog, in the yard.

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