Encourage Brahmas to use roosts

Chickens like to roost as high as they can get. For most breeds you can't put the roost too high (except for allowing the space they need to jump down).

For some heavy breeds like my English Orpington, they just can't get up very high. For them, the maximum recommended height is 3 feet. Because of their bigger bodies, they also need a broader roost board, 8-16 inches. They will choose to lay on the floor otherwise. I imagine for Brahmas the requirements are similar.
Honestly, the roosts in my brahma pen are 30 centimetres off the ground, and around 10-15 centimetres in diameter, yet the still prefer to sleep on the floor, or on one of the sides of the nest, which is 1 centimetre in diameter. They're full grown, by the way

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