Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

That is interesting. No color in comb or wattles yet?
My young roo has clear and distinct wattles hanging and a big red comb!
Like Ron said, More time will tell. Within the next 4 weeks you will know for sure.
Hold on to Her/Him. If its a girl, Nice!! If its a boy ill take him in.
Did you order any chicks from Skyline?

and no, i didn't get the chicks from Skyline, but from a local breeder (Deann Disilva), but she got HER birds from Skyline. so, 2nd generation, or something like that.
Baby looks like a girl to me, Laura.
x2. I think Baby is female and the Isbar is male.
Beautiful chicks, Lawatt!

I had five pullets hatched from MD's eggs. I gave three to NP, as you saw, and kept the other two. The two I kept were a redder Marraduna (because my older girl is more blonde) and the very light pullet (because I want to see how she grows out).

Because I always love to see everyone's photos, I'll share some myself. I took all of these last week before I brought the girls to their new home. Here is the very light pullet:

Here is the slightly redder Marraduna girl:

And here she is again..

Here's my EO roo. Mr. Pink is not fantastic, but he had the most width throughout his back. The others were wide in the front and thin in the rear. Oh, well. The best of 5. He's been quite a good roo so far. The white EO guy, still waiting for a home, takes the pullets around while Mr. Pink escorts the entire older laying flock. He does his little dance and calls them over when he finds something good, so I like him so far.

Here's my white guy looking like Godzilla. I just had to share this crazy shot. He looks much more normal most of the time. :)

And just because I like it, here's one of the German New Hampshire cockerels in mini-flight.

I've got to rehome 4-5 more layers from last year and 5 cockerels and probably process one which is not sound before winter. I also think one of my EO girls is a "Forrest" who is masculinized and will never lay. She'll need a retirement home-type flock or to be processed at well. Yikes. But then I'll have 3 EO pullets, 1 EO roo, 2 GNH pullets, 1 GNH roo, and 3-4 other hens. I aim to have just 10-12 for the winter and only have birds in the 8x8 coop to simplify the work.
Thank you for the pictures! They look great and the comb and wattles do look like pullet type.

I hope you have a girl there!

@ CR - Tell Godzilla to quit picking on Mr. Pinks comb... I see at least two deli sandwiches in that breast of his!

Rehome your cockerels in your tum-tum and let me know if you need help with the hens... I've got a neighbor lady looking for two hens (or pullets) and I'm right where I want to be for the winter. Sold all the pullets I couldn't keep at the big swap.

It's amazing how much the pullets look just like their mommas. Here's a pic of the crew now, you can probably pick which one yours came from. It will be interesting to see if the cross with Mr. Black pulls them down in weight at the same age, or if they hold their type. Your light girl is out of my pullet that went broody.

My light girl with pullet by LBH...
I love the Godzilla shot.
I need to get better at simplifying the work. When the coop got too crowded, I had DH build another. We're at 41 now (4 are roosters), and I've set an absolute limit of 50. We'll see if it holds! :p
I love the Godzilla shot.
I need to get better at simplifying the work. When the coop got too crowded, I had DH build another. We're at 41 now (4 are roosters), and I've set an absolute limit of 50. We'll see if it holds!

I have reached my Maximum many times. It is hard to keep the numbers down.

Love the Godzilla pic too!!
Ok- a little off topic, but have been thinking about this for awhile-MD, you may not be impressed with me, but I am gonna say it anyways lol ( you know me). For anyone in the States who wants to seriously get good Euskal Oiloa type going- bug MD for eggs or birds. I am so impressed with your "eye", MD. You may be new, but you are a natural. I am so glad you are working with these birds. They will benefit for it.
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Susan.....Glen should include this disclaimer........."I'm MD and I approve this message........."
lau.gif would also have my vote!
Love the Godzilla pic too!!
Ok- a little off topic, but have been thinking about this for awhile-MD, you may not be impressed with me, but I am gonna say it anyways lol ( you know me). For anyone in the States who wants to seriously get good Euskal Oiloa type going- bug MD for eggs or birds. I am so impressed with your "eye", MD. You may be new, but you are a natural. I am so glad you are working with these birds. They will benefit for it.

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