Evergreen Creek Farms: Blog and updates! *Daily Updates*

Update: 10-8-13:
Anything it just about the same as before, except I'm so excited Victoria, my Mottled Houdan, laid her first egg today!!! I'm so proud of her!!! :D I'll post pics tomorrow! I did a photo shoot around the farm today, I took 101 pictures!!! :D
Your first egg!
Update: 10-8-13:
  Anything it just about the same as before, except I'm so excited Victoria, my Mottled Houdan, laid her first egg today!!! I'm so proud of her!!! :D I'll post pics tomorrow! I did a photo shoot around the farm today, I took 101 pictures!!! :D
Awesome!!!!! :D
Update: 10-11-13:
Not to much going on, I'm starting to worry about the waterers freezing and getting broken because it got down to 33 degrees last night. I've started what I call "Project Miss Liz", because my White Frizzle Cochin Bantam, Liz (avatar) has been very squirmy lately and I'm trying to fix it. You can always tell which birds I've raised from chicks and which I fought at fair....I have to work so hard to tame ones from the fair...lol XD

My White Frizzle Cochin Bantam, Elizabeth (Liz).
Update: 10-11-13:
Not to much going on, I'm starting to worry about the waterers freezing and getting broken because it got down to 33 degrees last night. I've started what I call "Project Miss Liz", because my White Frizzle Cochin Bantam, Liz (avatar) has been very squirmy lately and I'm trying to fix it. You can always tell which birds I've raised from chicks and which I fought at fair....I have to work so hard to tame ones from the fair...lol XD

My White Frizzle Cochin Bantam, Elizabeth (Liz).

Good luck! :D

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