Everything Asil Thread ( show off those Asil )

We don't get those temps in new York... The problem I have is the cold,we have been getting down to around 30° at night...so I have to keep my asils in a spot in the coop or one of the coops where they won't get too cold. I am working to get more coops,because I would also like to get some red jungle fowl in the spring...but I would have to get another coop and put it away from my other chickens...because they don't have good disease resistance,the rjf I mean.
I am eager to see yours,because everyone seems to had different colors,and I love the assortment of colors they come in,and yes,asils are awesome
My Asil hen is mothering 6 chicks at the moment, but she's black and looks like she's 3 or 4 years old. Not even sure she still lays eggs. But I'll show everybody tomorrow!

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