Everything Asil Thread ( show off those Asil )

She's a pretty hen indeed
I understand that people name breed lines,the term Raja Asil seems to be of Anglo invention to promote $$$ at least that's what I came away with after my reading. It's also came to signify a 5 to 6 # bird of any color? Any insights would be appreciated. What does Raja Asil mean to YOU.
I think its a misspelling or mispronounced. Do you mean reza? Reza is a indian standard asil. I have herbert atkinson reza asils from north india. But atkinson was a professor from england that loved the reza style and he adopted it and bred traits for fighting styles and brought them to the united states in early 1900s. I dont know if this helps but there also is a rajamurgh breed from india which is a dark bird

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