Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

I also updated the first post and added some instructions that were buried in the middle of this thread and added the link. Enjoy and let everyone know about it. Thanks to my lovely wife, Annmarie for creating this totally free and easy to use program. She had to make it easy for me!!

Thanks Raisin and AnnMarie! I've been using this for several years now and love it. It makes it so easy to keep track of expenses and income and I can see at a glance how much this hobby makes costs me each year....
Raisin and AnnMarie Thanks so much for this! We have been using it more than 2 years and DH ( retired computer hardware techie) finally learned something useful on a computer with your software:) He has learned to tweak it himself!!
I'd love to add a sheet on hatching but that's for when *I* retire. Too much pooter work at work to deal with it here. God Bless You AnnMarie.
Things we do to make our hubbies happy with their chickens:)
Awesome! Our hens just started laying for us and I am happy to get to start from the beginning. And excited to teach my daughter to use spreadsheets. Thx!
Hi, I just found your spreadsheet, it is awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing! I could never do this myself, thanks again!
Thank you so much! We are starting a backyard flock with 6 chicks, so all expenses so far. I just started reading threads on food estimates to POL and was wondering how much our eggs are going to end up costing us apiece. I probably don't really want to know, do I? Especially since these girls will end up being pets and hanging around eating us out of house & home long after they stop producing much in the way of eggs. I will be certain not to share this spreadsheet with my husband

For my own data, I've added a separate tab for coop expenses as well (another really scary thing to track, although we mostly are repurposing and reclaiming materials).

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