Excuse me, but ...

NO NO NO .... Sorry , but I said I like the cooler , cold temps , but ya'll can keep the ICE & SNOW . NOT into shoveling .

Not palor, stantion and tie stall barn. The fans kick in at about 45 degrees-Cows like it about this temp. Usually during milking I shut them off. The only heat source is the cows.
I have only been in dairy barns with a milking parlour that is all concrete and raised platforms. I forget some people may have to do it otherwise.

I will say this- beyond the smell of cow poop - love the warm smell of cows and horses and other livestock.
I too would like to know who turned on winter, It's 18 degrees here right now but was colder overnight, coldest night so far. Looks like we will be lucky to hit 30 degrees today and its gonna be cloudy. I tell ya coming from someone who was born and raised in this cold state i never have gotten used to it. Seems every winter is worse then the last. One can only hope we don't have weeks of -40 temps and vicious winds on top of that like last year.
Twice a day 4 a.m. and 4 p.m. The barn holds 34 cows and in the winter that is tops. We have switched milk (milking some and turning them out to bring in more) in the summer months but, we have no housing outside for the extras in the winter.

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