Excuses Excuses Excuses!

for me when I married my hubby I just told him that the dog was here 1st!
He rants and raves that we are not getting anymore animals. Then, we get more.

All I have to do is admire and cuddle the animal. If he sees me doing that, he says, "do you want that?" (We usually get whatever, I'm looking at. 99% success) I always ask him, "well, do we have room for it?" He says, "well, I'll fix you a place for it, if you want it."

My husband can be such a sweetie too. He has already told me to get ready to order some baby chicks. Little did he know, I already had my list ready.

I will confess, he loves animals too. He brought our latest kitten in because she had a cold. We ran an ad in the paper for a litter trained kitten-free to a good home. Well, Tuesday, I canceled the ad, because he decided to keep her.

Today, he & his dad are out delivering kids. Three of our nannies have kidded. We have two sets of twins and one set of triplets.
It's just easier to get forgiveness than permission.

Actually, my DH always makes me PAY when I want/get an animal when he's resistant. First, he'll 'let' me get the animal, but it has to be the one he picks out (this has happened twice recently-- once with a cat and dog-- he picks the neurotic ones, while I consistently pick out quiet lovies...) Then, he'll make anything the animal does wrong hugely out of proportion and pretty much waits for everything to blow up in my face. (Illustrated with sighs and shows of patience LOL)

It ends up not being worth it. Though, I can get away with chicks... on occasion. They don't stress him out as much as dogs or cats.

I should mention that he's perfectly nice and sweet-- even about this-- he's just a little passive-aggressive at times. He's never mean about anything EVER (I am LOL), so its hard to explain...
"I didn't order the eggs Honey, someone just sent them to me." (When button quail eggs arrive in Jan)

"Hatching eggs keeps me from stressing over the kids too much." (oldest has health issues)

"This is for a science project." (youngest wants to see ratio of frizzles to smooth cochins) (So I have to order some cochin eggs.)
Glad to hear that someone else has a spouse that loves animals as much as mine does. DH grumbles about all the time it takes to feed and care, which he does a lot of since he works from home (even though I'm the instigator in getting all the animals) but he's the one we find in the garage talking to the chicks, or babying the dogs, or quietly feeding the 17 year old cat pieces of turkey under the table or worrying about getting a solid roof on the chicken coop. He's a big softie.

Personally, I feel that spouses don't have the right to tell each other what to do. A marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship. You should talk things out and come to an agreement or, if you're like me, just do it because you know he's going to love it too. If my husband ever told me "No!" without a discussion he'd find himself sleeping outside WITH the chickens.
Excuse? You mean I need an excuse?? Like, ask for permission or something? Do I look like a three year old? If I want it and am going to look after it then guess what....I'm going to go get it. *lol*

I think this is why I like single life. I don't have to account to anyone if I want another chick, duck, turkey etc. Mind you, I also take on all of the responsibility for caring for all the critters too. It's a bit of a trade off. You have to know your limits....and my limits are calling for some East Indie ducklings this spring........

I was going to say Who asks!!! I tell him what I want and he asks what they will need and then we figure out a time frame to get them... Same thing when it is something that he wants.... (yea right

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