Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Oh Gosh Ladies!!
Thank you all so much for the kind words and congratulations. We are very excited. I was supposed to have another u/s today but my DD is sick, and we can't take her into the clinic and she is sick enough I don't want to leave her with anyone. I have to reschedule.

Thanks again, and especially for the prayers. So far so good with this one! I am having some very unpleasant pregnancy symptoms. One I really don't like is that I feel really light headed the last couple days. Oh..and..the "c" word. Constipations. I drink LOTS of water, eat only whole grain carbs and whole fruits/veggies. I am going to run to the store later and get some prunes and more ginger root and ginger ale. I am finding that to help with the 'all day sickness' if I drink lemon herbal tea with fresh ginger root steeped in it I can manage a lot better.
Jamie- pick up some magnesium! It is really good for you and helps with many pregnancy related issues. Constipation, restless legs, swelling, pre-E, etc. I take 700 mg a day and have been for 5 or 6 years. I started out on a 500mg twice a day. If you take too much you get diarrhea.but that is it.
Jamie- pick up some magnesium! It is really good for you and helps with many pregnancy related issues. Constipation, restless legs, swelling, pre-E, etc. I take 700 mg a day and have been for 5 or 6 years. I started out on a 500mg twice a day. If you take too much you get diarrhea.but that is it.

Thank you so much for the tip! diarreah doesn't sound so bad right now to be honest..Lmbo! I was free of morning sickness for the past three days. Today it is back with a vengance. I REALLY need to cook dinner tonight..but the thought of touching raw chicken makes me nearly run to the bathroom -- and that is just the thought of it :p
Hey, i just checked in here and what do i see!!?? Livin and Jamie and Kelly!! Congrats! :bun
Soo happy for guys.. Crossing fingers and i'll be watching this thread now!! :weee :hugs
Hey Red- I'm back. We did it without help this time!

Jamie- B6 is supposed to help morning sickness they say 10-25mg 2-3 times a day. I was lucky and didn't have it in my first pregnancy and don't have it yet in this one. Granted I am not even 5 weeks in.
Hey Red- I'm back. We did it without help this time!

Jamie- B6 is supposed to help morning sickness they say 10-25mg 2-3 times a day. I was lucky and didn't have it in my first pregnancy and don't have it yet in this one. Granted I am not even 5 weeks in.

I will try that. I was taking B6 when we were TTCing because I wanted to make sure I was the right balance of acid/alkaline, I already have it on hand so why not try it. I HATE to take another pill though. I am on oral progesterone TID and 1000mg of Metformin once a day. But I guess if it helps why not? I CANNOT wait until I am 11-12 weeks and I can stop the progesterone.
Hello ladies! I'm still here and pregnant. : ) Thursday night into Friday morning, I had some regular patterned contractions (about 9 hours total, but I was able to intermittedly sleep through them). They were 8-12 minutes apart, but the intensity didn't increase. I did the same thing with DD#2 and she was born two days later (my water broke -- so I knew it was the real thing then). With her, I went into L&D and they watched me for the night because they didn't even know if it was true labor or not. So I decided to stick it out at home this time around and get some sleep. Glad I did because at about 7am yesterday morning they just stopped -- just like with her. It would be nice if my water would just break! I've got some really lovely stuff going on down below that I've never experienced until I was acutally in real labor. So I'm hoping it won't be too much longer!

On the upside, I think I am finally getting rid of this horrific head congestion! I was getting nervous about pushing a baby out with such plugged sinuses and ears! So I am glad our little one has waited to make an arrival. : )

Congrats to the new mommies-to-be on this board! Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery!
Hello ladies! I'm still here and pregnant. : ) Thursday night into Friday morning, I had some regular patterned contractions (about 9 hours total, but I was able to intermittedly sleep through them). They were 8-12 minutes apart, but the intensity didn't increase. I did the same thing with DD#2 and she was born two days later (my water broke -- so I knew it was the real thing then). With her, I went into L&D and they watched me for the night because they didn't even know if it was true labor or not. So I decided to stick it out at home this time around and get some sleep. Glad I did because at about 7am yesterday morning they just stopped -- just like with her. It would be nice if my water would just break! I've got some really lovely stuff going on down below that I've never experienced until I was acutally in real labor. So I'm hoping it won't be too much longer!

On the upside, I think I am finally getting rid of this horrific head congestion! I was getting nervous about pushing a baby out with such plugged sinuses and ears! So I am glad our little one has waited to make an arrival. : )

Congrats to the new mommies-to-be on this board! Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery!

I'm still here and pregnant as well! I did however start having contractions about 12 hours ago, breasts leaking, soft stool, and haven't been able to really sleep. I called into work and let them know I would not be making it in today. No loss of mucous plug or bloody show. This is my first baby so I don't have any trends to follow. I hope things keep going and I progress to labor :)

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