Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.


his name will be Sufyan

Oh what a cutie~
Congrats silverfox.

I've been in my process of trying for a baby for 4 months now but this month I tried those digital ovulation tests and found out I was later than average. Well I had a 15 hour drive to IL for my sisters wedding after we tried and then another 15 hours back this past Sunday. I was a day late but thought it was due to the stress of the trip especially since on the way back I wasn't feeling to good and only ate 2 pastries during that whole ride. I also thought I had food poisoning a couple days before that even though no one else had it from the same pizza. My husband joked that it could be morning sickness. Well yesterday I decided to take a test since I had one around and a line appeared and I realized it wasn't the test line to make sure the test is working and then the second line appeared.

I was running all over the room trying to get a hold of my parents which later I found out I wrote the wrong area code down since I usually use my husband's cell. He was doing some work so he wasn't picking up his cell. Finally I got a hold of his sister and told her and we decided to tell announce it to his parents at a dinner party she was having at her place for my husband's B-Day. My husband came in and I told him I have a present for him but it might be something he might of not wanted so soon and I gave him the test. He is happy, nervous, and scared now which I am also. His parents didn't believe us at first when we told them and I had to show them the test. They were wondering how we kept it a secret so long. I'm going to buy some more tests tonight just to be sure even though I'm still late before I go announcing it to all the relatives.

I do have some questions. Is it common for cramping? About every time I start feeling bad cramping I get that nausea feeling too but it goes away after 10-15 minutes. I feel like I do almost when I'm on my cycle.
I've read that most doctors won't really start having appointments till you are 8 weeks unless you're on medicine or might have a medical problem. Is that true? I don't want to go rushing to the doctors till I need to. I've been taking prenatals for 4 months anyway.
My husband and me are in the process of getting ready to build a house or at least have the shell done and work on the inside during the winter. I know I'm not going to be able to do the painting walls which I had planned on but I was wanting to know if it was safe to wear a mask and do the hand painting part in the nursery? I wouldn't mind doing a Dr. Seuss theme or something else.
When should I start buying some coconut butter lotion for stretch marks? I don't want to buy a ton of stuff to early since I know I had a stressful month and have in the back of my mind a miscarriage.
I guess I'll have to say goodbye to my turkey and pepperoni subs that I'm craving which brings me to another question. We have a sub place that cooks the steak patties for subs on a hot surface unlike subway that toasts it. Would that be safe to eat since it is being cooked?
Congrats silverfox.

I've been in my process of trying for a baby for 4 months now but this month I tried those digital ovulation tests and found out I was later than average. Well I had a 15 hour drive to IL for my sisters wedding after we tried and then another 15 hours back this past Sunday. I was a day late but thought it was due to the stress of the trip especially since on the way back I wasn't feeling to good and only ate 2 pastries during that whole ride. I also thought I had food poisoning a couple days before that even though no one else had it from the same pizza. My husband joked that it could be morning sickness. Well yesterday I decided to take a test since I had one around and a line appeared and I realized it wasn't the test line to make sure the test is working and then the second line appeared.

I was running all over the room trying to get a hold of my parents which later I found out I wrote the wrong area code down since I usually use my husband's cell. He was doing some work so he wasn't picking up his cell. Finally I got a hold of his sister and told her and we decided to tell announce it to his parents at a dinner party she was having at her place for my husband's B-Day. My husband came in and I told him I have a present for him but it might be something he might of not wanted so soon and I gave him the test. He is happy, nervous, and scared now which I am also. His parents didn't believe us at first when we told them and I had to show them the test. They were wondering how we kept it a secret so long. I'm going to buy some more tests tonight just to be sure even though I'm still late before I go announcing it to all the relatives.

I do have some questions. Is it common for cramping? About every time I start feeling bad cramping I get that nausea feeling too but it goes away after 10-15 minutes. I feel like I do almost when I'm on my cycle.
I've read that most doctors won't really start having appointments till you are 8 weeks unless you're on medicine or might have a medical problem. Is that true? I don't want to go rushing to the doctors till I need to. I've been taking prenatals for 4 months anyway.
My husband and me are in the process of getting ready to build a house or at least have the shell done and work on the inside during the winter. I know I'm not going to be able to do the painting walls which I had planned on but I was wanting to know if it was safe to wear a mask and do the hand painting part in the nursery? I wouldn't mind doing a Dr. Seuss theme or something else.
When should I start buying some coconut butter lotion for stretch marks? I don't want to buy a ton of stuff to early since I know I had a stressful month and have in the back of my mind a miscarriage.
I guess I'll have to say goodbye to my turkey and pepperoni subs that I'm craving which brings me to another question. We have a sub place that cooks the steak patties for subs on a hot surface unlike subway that toasts it. Would that be safe to eat since it is being cooked?
With my first the severe cramping is the first thing I noticed. My Dr. doesnt' see you until 8 weeks. Not much they can tell you before then. I called and made the appointment the minute I found out though. I won't even tell you what I do while pregnant. I turn my mom's hair grey. Let's just say the thought of my baby crawling around on carpet I'd potty trained 4 puppies on didn't sit well with me. At 5 months pregnant I ripped up and laid 1500 sq ft of hardwood flooring, sanded and stained it. My kid doesn't have any defects. I also painted his nursery and hand painted a mural on the walls without issue. Opinions on meat will vary. I'm a low key girl so I just ate what I wanted when I wanted to. I avoided taking in too much caffeine but I'm not going to avoid everything they say or I wouldn't have eaten. So that is going to be your personal preference. On the coconut butter, i used it immediately. I wanted my skin to be nice and moisturized. I didn't get any stretch marks.
With my first the severe cramping is the first thing I noticed. My Dr. doesnt' see you until 8 weeks. Not much they can tell you before then. I called and made the appointment the minute I found out though. I won't even tell you what I do while pregnant. I turn my mom's hair grey. Let's just say the thought of my baby crawling around on carpet I'd potty trained 4 puppies on didn't sit well with me. At 5 months pregnant I ripped up and laid 1500 sq ft of hardwood flooring, sanded and stained it. My kid doesn't have any defects. I also painted his nursery and hand painted a mural on the walls without issue. Opinions on meat will vary. I'm a low key girl so I just ate what I wanted when I wanted to. I avoided taking in too much caffeine but I'm not going to avoid everything they say or I wouldn't have eaten. So that is going to be your personal preference. On the coconut butter, i used it immediately. I wanted my skin to be nice and moisturized. I didn't get any stretch marks.
Thanks for the advice. I'll go ahead and get some coconut butter. I like my caffeine but I already just switched to caffeine free soda and then going to break myself of it to water and healthy juice (just fruits/veggies and water). One food problem I'll have is I'm not much of a veggie eater. I will eat some fruits but when it comes to veggies I don't care for them except for the bad ones full of starch. I may get some skinless chicken breasts and grill them and make a sandwich with whole wheat bread and put veggies on it. I don't mind spinach on it or on pizza. I just need to figure how what foods to mix together that take the taste out of the veggies. I've already had my bowl of Kashi blueberry clusters that doesn't have the corn syrup in it. Tasted really good but didn't fill me up. I'm waiting for my husband to get done working to run to the store to stock the fridge up.
Thanks for the advice. I'll go ahead and get some coconut butter. I like my caffeine but I already just switched to caffeine free soda and then going to break myself of it to water and healthy juice (just fruits/veggies and water). One food problem I'll have is I'm not much of a veggie eater. I will eat some fruits but when it comes to veggies I don't care for them except for the bad ones full of starch. I may get some skinless chicken breasts and grill them and make a sandwich with whole wheat bread and put veggies on it. I don't mind spinach on it or on pizza. I just need to figure how what foods to mix together that take the taste out of the veggies. I've already had my bowl of Kashi blueberry clusters that doesn't have the corn syrup in it. Tasted really good but didn't fill me up. I'm waiting for my husband to get done working to run to the store to stock the fridge up.
Honestly, just eat like you normally would except for caffeine and alcohol obviously. I like my life to be low stress and low stress is good for the baby. So if you're stressing about what you're eating it's not good. And as for what they say about baby's getting a taste for food in utero. Lies! I LOVE veggies but hate fruit. I ate barely any fruit while pregnant. My son has projectile vomitted up every single vegetable we've ever given him. He certainly didn't get that from me while I was preggo. My husband is a fruit guy and hates veggies. My son takes almost completely after him. I just think it's all genetics and the hype is to stress us poor mothers out. Don't believe it.
Congratulations everybody
I am also pregnant with my first...due January 24th. We have our big ultrasound today...hopefully finding out the gender of the baby! reveriereptile - as far as I have read it is fine to paint when you are pregnant, just make sure the room is well ventilated and, if you can, try to use the low VOC or no VOC paint. Mostly you just want to watch out for how it effects you, if it starts to make you dizzy or nauseous you should stop and get some air and make sure to ventilate the room more....also pay attention to your body, your back may hurt a lot more now even though you are still really early in pregnancy. Just listen to your body and make sure to rest if you need to, otherwise it should be fine. On the veggie thing too wait and see what happens...I never ate a whole lot of fruit and now that I am pregnant I want it all the time! Haha. If you like fruit then eating a lot of that will help anyway, then you don't have to worry about eating so many veggies. When you do have your appointment the doctor can give you advise.

Oh, and I also had a lot of cramping in the beginning. The cramps were like the ones I would get with my period except all throughout my lower abdomen and they were constantly there for days. My baby was healthy and happy so I wouldn't worry about it unless you are having a lot of bleeding or severe pains. I was even getting sharp pains in the beginning...the ligament stretching you will read about starts really early so just try not to worry too much...I know I definitely did worry too much but everything (so far) has worked out great. Keeping my fingers crossed it continues to go well for us, as well as for the rest of you
Congratulations everybody
I am also pregnant with my first...due January 24th. We have our big ultrasound today...hopefully finding out the gender of the baby! reveriereptile - as far as I have read it is fine to paint when you are pregnant, just make sure the room is well ventilated and, if you can, try to use the low VOC or no VOC paint. Mostly you just want to watch out for how it effects you, if it starts to make you dizzy or nauseous you should stop and get some air and make sure to ventilate the room more....also pay attention to your body, your back may hurt a lot more now even though you are still really early in pregnancy. Just listen to your body and make sure to rest if you need to, otherwise it should be fine. On the veggie thing too wait and see what happens...I never ate a whole lot of fruit and now that I am pregnant I want it all the time! Haha. If you like fruit then eating a lot of that will help anyway, then you don't have to worry about eating so many veggies. When you do have your appointment the doctor can give you advise.

Oh, and I also had a lot of cramping in the beginning. The cramps were like the ones I would get with my period except all throughout my lower abdomen and they were constantly there for days. My baby was healthy and happy so I wouldn't worry about it unless you are having a lot of bleeding or severe pains. I was even getting sharp pains in the beginning...the ligament stretching you will read about starts really early so just try not to worry too much...I know I definitely did worry too much but everything (so far) has worked out great. Keeping my fingers crossed it continues to go well for us, as well as for the rest of you
So do you have a gender preference???

Just thought I'd share the banana "secret". I had horrible leg pains all throughout my pregnancy. Eating bananas got rid of it.
I don't have a gender preference...but I know my hubby would like at least one boy (and we are only really planning on having 2 kids...3 max), so a boy would take the pressure off. Haha
I have been teasing him saying it is definitely going to be a girl...

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