Experimenting with a few meat birds as pets

Alright, with everything planned out, we’re getting all of the the material to start the build today, and are hoping to have the frame/cage part done by this weekend. So hopefully we’ll be able to pick up chicks in the next two weeks! Yay!
So I had a feed question, I’ll look through that link @FuzzyCritters, but am wondering about protein.
I feed all of my birds purina flock raiser. I’m planning already on giving the that as chicks, but should I give to them that as adults to, or pick something with a lower protein amount? That is really my last question as of right now, so I’m hoping I will have the rest dialed, but will post here if I have more questions! Thanks! I’ll keep you updated with pics, and their progress as well.
Chick starter as chicks, ~ 3 weeks. Then the flock raiser is fine after they get started.
Chick starter as chicks, ~ 3 weeks. Then the flock raiser is fine after they get started.
Got it, so 20% protein is fine for them as adults. I usually don’t like to give less the 20% protein to my birds anyway, so just wanted to double check that that was okay weight wise.
You say chick starter, assuming you mean the chick starter and grower? That’s 18% protein, is that enough/the correct amount for the meat birds as chicks?
I would usually have the whole feed figured out already, haha, just want to make sure I have everything correct for the meat birds. 😊
The flock Raiser will have to be low protein. Lowest I've seen is 17%.
Got it, that is what I was wondering. The Purina flock raiser I feed all of my birds has 20% protein, above said it was fine, but should I do less just in case?
The CHS feed store brand has a poultry feed that is 18% protein, I could switch back to that for Doodle and Smudge if that would be better?
Got it, that is what I was wondering. The Purina flock raiser I feed all of my birds has 20% protein, above said it was fine, but should I do less just in case?
The CHS feed store brand has a poultry feed that is 18% protein, I could switch back to that for Doodle and Smudge if that would be better?
The Flock Raiser I use has 17% protein.
Yes, that is what I use. For lower protien, adding a cup of cracked corn or wheat middlings is fine. I think you will get a healthy bird if they can get out on the grass ASAP.
Sounds great! The grass is getting nice and green here, so I’ll get them on the grass as soon as possible.
I don’t want to give corn, because I have heard that makes fat birds. I don’t want that. I can get lower protein feed pretty easy from our local feed store to, so that’s no problem. Thanks for the tips! Should I aim for a 18% protein feed then?

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