Experimenting with a few meat birds as pets

Thank you! I will! I had to double check, I have layer, that wont harm them for just the afternoon right? Thanks again! Going them feed now!
Layer feed is better than no feed. A few hours, or even a few days, won't be a big deal.

And you already have plans to get the right feed today, so you won't be feeding them layer long-term.
Layer feed is better than no feed. A few hours, or even a few days, won't be a big deal.

And you already have plans to get the right feed today, so you won't be feeding them layer long-term.
Awesome. I had a feeling it would be alright, but had also been cautioned against it, so I didn't know which was more of a risk. Not feeding, or feeding layer. They're eating wetted down layer right now, happy as clams! ☺️
@FuzzyCritters @Parront Since I down know exactly age, when do you suggest I start restricting feed? I will try to find out how much they eat now to calculate their feed intake as adults.
When you suggested 3/4 @FuzzyCritters, was that 3/4 cup per bird, or 3/4 for both of them? Some seem to be younger then others, judging by size, and how many feathers they have.
@FuzzyCritters @Parront Since I down know exactly age, when do you suggest I start restricting feed? I will try to find out how much they eat now to calculate their feed intake as adults.
When you suggested 3/4 @FuzzyCritters, was that 3/4 cup per bird, or 3/4 for both of them? Some seem to be younger then others, judging by size, and how many feathers they have.
I'd start restricting feed when they are around a 3-4 weeks old. When I suggested 3/4 of a cup, I meant 3/4 of a cup per bird.
I'd start restricting feed when they are around a 3-4 weeks old. When I suggested 3/4 of a cup, I meant 3/4 of a cup per bird.
Got it, that is what I assumed, but I had to be sure. Thanks for the clarification! I am assuming the two I have picked are a little over 2 weeks old, so I will start restricting feed this weekend? I'll et good pics of them and maybe you guys can give me a guess on age, and clarification guess on gender. I'm pretty certain they're both girls, but we'll see what you think.
@FuzzyCritters @Parront Since I down know exactly age, when do you suggest I start restricting feed? I will try to find out how much they eat now to calculate their feed intake as adults.
When you suggested 3/4 @FuzzyCritters, was that 3/4 cup per bird, or 3/4 for both of them? Some seem to be younger then others, judging by size, and how many feathers they have.
They are stressed right now -- just from moving to a new place. If it were my birds I would free feed all of them for a week while they get used to their new home. They look to be about 2 weeks old right now. What they eat at this age will not have much of anything to do with how much they eat as adults. Keep a close watch on them and make sure they are all active and moving and growing, then you can get into the extra details of feeding. Little guys under the age to go out in the pen need plenty of food to grow the feathers they will need to keep warm. You are in Washington -- Eastern WA? Will they be outdoors? A group keeps warm better than 2 alone. I know you want to keep only 2 pets, but maybe chosing the pets could wait a week or 2?
They are stressed right now -- just from moving to a new place. If it were my birds I would free feed all of them for a week while they get used to their new home. They look to be about 2 weeks old right now. What they eat at this age will not have much of anything to do with how much they eat as adults. Keep a close watch on them and make sure they are all active and moving and growing, then you can get into the extra details of feeding. Little guys under the age to go out in the pen need plenty of food to grow the feathers they will need to keep warm. You are in Washington -- Eastern WA? Will they be outdoors? A group keeps warm better than 2 alone. I know you want to keep only 2 pets, but maybe chosing the pets could wait a week or 2?
They seem pretty happy, scratching, jumping and flying around, but I can definitely what a week. I have them all on a lower protein feed right now as well, so my two wont get huge while their getting free choice feed.
They are going to go outside as long as all of them have all of their feathers, and it its warm.
Were in Western Washington, close to the mountains.
Thank you for the information! I really appreciate it. They act pretty chill, but it totally amens sense that they need tome to get used to their new home. I just didn't want to start resticign to late, and not be able to get my two's weight down, that is my biggest fear, so this information is very helpful for me! ☺️ Next week Tuesday will be a week, I will see how they look, and check back in to see what you guys think. Thanks!
Alright guys, so everyone is doing good, there actually fairly active which is nice! Every morning until I elevated there water about 4 inches off the ground, they were starving themselves of water, by filling the whole water tray up with shavings! Lol!
They also love to dig to the bottom go the pool, which is abbot 2 inches down under shavings lol! They dust bathe and hop up on the little steps in the pool that lead to a built in slide, but they can't get up there because of the lid.
I have all of them on 18% Organic feed, so there not growing to fast.
Otherwise, we are avlsomto done with our coop! When the first of them get there feathers, should put them out in the new tractor? Some of them seem to be a week older then others, almost having all there feathers and all. But some also seem about 2 weeks behind the oldest ones, having only their wing feathers and a few small tail feathers.

Should I leave them all together until they can all go out? I feel like they are starting to out grow the brooder, its okay, but not perfect for the big ones, they have to duck in some places to get under the lid.
As for my two, should I separate them in there own brooder this week for feed restriction? I have been bringing them out with me to a separate room to for socialization, and everyone seems pretty chill. Plus, if the keel bone works for chicks, their on the verge of getting fat I believe.
Alright guys, so everyone is doing good, there actually fairly active which is nice! Every morning until I elevated there water about 4 inches off the ground, they were starving themselves of water, by filling the whole water tray up with shavings! Lol!
They also love to dig to the bottom go the pool, which is abbot 2 inches down under shavings lol! They dust bathe and hop up on the little steps in the pool that lead to a built in slide, but they can't get up there because of the lid.
I have all of them on 18% Organic feed, so there not growing to fast.
Otherwise, we are avlsomto done with our coop! When the first of them get there feathers, should put them out in the new tractor? Some of them seem to be a week older then others, almost having all there feathers and all. But some also seem about 2 weeks behind the oldest ones, having only their wing feathers and a few small tail feathers.

Should I leave them all together until they can all go out? I feel like they are starting to out grow the brooder, its okay, but not perfect for the big ones, they have to duck in some places to get under the lid.
As for my two, should I separate them in there own brooder this week for feed restriction? I have been bringing them out with me to a separate room to for socialization, and everyone seems pretty chill. Plus, if the keel bone works for chicks, their on the verge of getting fat I believe.
Glad the chicks are doing well!

If the bigger ones are getting a little cramped and are mostly feathered, they can go to the group. Since cornish are so mellow, integrating the younger ones with the older ones when they are ready to go outside shouldn't be too difficult.

The keel bone feeling does work for chicks. If your chicks feel a bit overweight, then yes they should be separated for feed restriction.

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