Eye trouble With pics.


8 Years
Jul 20, 2011
This little hen just came off a nest with chicks about a week ago. a couple days after she came off the nest i noticed she had some blood around her eye. i thought maybe she did not like the brooding pen she is in and was trying to poke her head thru the 1" mesh wire. i have been keeping an eye on it but today it is much worse. One eye is almost swelled shut the other is very swollen. Does anyone know what this is? Her poo is solid and she is breathing good no raspy sounds or head shaking. She is eating medicated chick starter and has fresh water daily.


I don't know maybe i should cull her and the chicks. I really don't want this spreading and i have been reading about all kinds of different infections and diseases. And its a good chance if the hen has it the chicks will have it. What ever it is i cant let it get to the others.
I know its been some time since the original post. I ended up culling the hen and all her chicks. I tried antibiotics but when the chicks started getting sores and scabs i decided it was time to cull them. I then sprayed the entire shed down with Pure bleach and have let it set all winter. And i took my time and made sure it was soaked from ceiling to floor. I also payed special attention to the cracks and joints in the wood. I am not 100% sure but i think they caught this from Starlings Getting into the brooder area. Nasty little birds. I fixed the hole they were getting in the barn at so no more Starlings in the barn.

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