eyes swelled, some bubbles


13 Years
Sep 15, 2010
I did look at prev.posts. But didnt find any thing I can do right a way to help the chicken. Its a 3mon old chick,eyes swelled shot. 4 were hatched in Jan. I didnt thing the 10mon old hen would stick with it, but she did. I had to move around the inmates to make space for new hatch. So they were placed in with the hens,out of brooter. I first thought it was from a peck to the eye, it may still be the reason. I have older hens that get bubbles in their eyes mostly when its very cold. if this is a spreadable disease would it be worse to a chick?
What I did do is wash the eyes with warm water in kitchen sink. Dont know if a eye wash for humans had anything in it,or if I have any. Going to town now to ask at feed mill, may end up at Fleet Farm. there are no chicken Vets around here. any help would be good
Thanks Frank
Sorry noone has answered your post, I really don't have any information, if it's a peck maybe you can find some thing at the feed store that can be put into the eyes, but you can also use neomycin in and around the eyes if thats all you have. Might want to check into having somekind of antibiotic on hand just in case. all the best and sorry it has to be under these circumstances but....
If you want to you can use dog/cat saline wash to try and releave the discomfort. I use it in the winter when my chickens eyes bubble a little. It seems to help them alot.

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