Facing off - cockerels?


5 Years
May 30, 2015
I'm fairly sure I know the answer but since it's my first time with chickens thought I'd ask. I keep holding out hope that these two could be hens, but....

Both are 7.5weeks, from McMurray eggs. Buff Orpington and Jersey Giant facing off while the white wyandotte looks on.

Any chance these are pesky hens?



Sunny on L - Lightening on R





**edited to fix captions
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I'm also new to chickens. However, I have some of both of those, also from Mcmurry and the two going at it in your video are boys. Mine are 12 weeks. I also have hens of each so if you want a comparison picture I'll get one tonight when I get home.
That would be great! Since they were hatched at a school we've had to guess breed and gender. They definitely seem riled up today.
Ok, hopefully these help. They'll be 12 weeks on Wednesday. Also from Mcmurry as I said. The lighting isn't great in the barn and I got home late.

This is my Jersey Giant Hen. Her name is Snooki

This is my Jersey Giant Roo. His name is Master Chicken. As you can see he looks just like yours.

Buff Orpington Roo. No name. I have a few of these.

Here's a buff Orpington Hen. No name. I have a few of these too. So you can see her lack of redness and comb growth.

So based on your pics and videos I'm fairly certain they are Roos.
Greenfeathers - that's perfect! Thank you :) I would say there's 0 chance they are hens based on your pictures.

Appreciate you taking the time to photograph them!
Any experience with McMurray's light brahma? I read they are slower to develop. I'd love for this one to be a pullet, very skiddish chicken.



@aart Thanks for the reminder! Chicken-speak is a whole new world all by itself!
Maybe! Mine were hatched by some First graders at a local school. I seem to have won the Cockerel prize with that bunch :D - if this one is, that would be 5/6!

I have 2 SLW, 1 definite cockerel 1 presumed pullet
1 white wyandotte, cockerel
1 light brahma ?
1 buff orp cockerel
1 Jersey giant cockerel

The good news is, that means more chickens! Lol I don't think I could keep all of these without having a problem on my hands. I have 3 feed store RIR and 3 "isa" add well that so far appear to all be girls.

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